Sunday, November 12, 2006

A Spitting, Married Priest, With No Benediction

This afternoon between morning and evening services at SSC Chad and I went to the nursing home in town, Pine Grove. Once a year SSC is responsible for bringing them their afternoon chapel service and Chad & I have done it the last few years. We go and I play some hymns and lead a little song service and then Chad gives a brief sermon.

Today was hilarious, well actually last year was too. The people are great and are so appreciate of anyone coming in. Last year we met a couple ladies who loved to chat. They were there again this year. When we first came in the chapel, one lady was really interested in whether or not Chad was a priest, he started to explain that he was a pastor but she inturrupted and asked if he was ordained, to which he simply replied yes. Then he introduced me, Heidi, his wife to everyone. There were some definite strange looks from this lady-- a priest with a wife?

Things went pretty normally at first. I lead us in several hymns and there was a lot more singing this year which was nice. Then Chad shared his message to which he included a story about him spitting off the Camplino Suspension Bridge in Vancouver- I think it wasn't exactly audience appropriate, they didn't crack a smile or anything, and then it was time to wrap things up. One of the ladies needed someone to help wheel her back to her room and Chad decided to take her. It was hilarious, as I was filing the music back into it's appropriate place, this outspoken woman started asking loudly over and over again, despite being told, "Is the service over? Is the service over?" When finally she got it that it was, she was completly flabergasted, a service ending without a benediction?

All I could think of was the confusion that must be running through her mind, a spitting, married priest who ends a service without a benediction?

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