Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Baby Bump

I woke up this morning with a baby bump on my left side. It was so weird! Sometimes I can tell where the baby is in my stomach just by pushing on my stomach. The area the baby is in is usually very hard and kind of tender...I think would be the word you would use to describe it. Anyway, today there was no pushing necessary. Just by putting my hand on my stomach I could feel exactly where the baby was. The left side of my stomach was huge (well it felt huge to me) and hard and full feeling, the right side, sqwishy. Weird eh? This pregnancy thing is really quite strange. I've got a leaner!

Next tuesday we have our ultrasound, that should be neat! I'm looking forward to it. I just hope we can make some features and things out and it's not just some sort of blob on a screen and the technician is trying to make us see things. We'll see soon enough I guess! Hard to believe that I'm already at 17 weeks!

Shelley's Birthday

We had Shelley in for her birthday supper last night. We had all of her favorite foods, fiddleheads, squash and banana bread instead of cake LOL! I think she had a good time, even if it was just with us! LOL! here's a pic of her and her fake birthday smile!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Singing Singing Singing! and the baby moving?

Today was a Singing, Singing, Singing day. At 9am (ok 9:15 for me) the choir gathered for the day to practice our songs for the new SSC CD coming in the fall. We go into the recording studio next week. This should be a neat experience. I wasn't a part of the last CD recording at SSC, so I'm looking forward to the experience. At the same time, it is going to be an exhausting week.

This week Chad and I are busy Monday night(birthday celebrations), tuesday night (recording), wednesday night (final night of The Marriage Course), thursday night (recording), Saturday morning Chad's speaking, saturday afternoon we have a housewarming party and then sunday is all day church again. talk about a wild week, even for us!

Then next tuesday we have our ultrasound. That will be strange and neat. I think I may have felt the baby move for the first time last night. I was laying on my side, finally cooling down (thanks to Chad's ingenous ideas and thoughtfulness) and I felt this blourp, blourp feeling. It didn't really feel like hunger, or butterflies, or even gas like everything I've read told me it would, the only way I could explain it was with a sound "blourp, blourp". The first blourp I just laid there, wondering, the second I thought, "wait a minute I don't have gas :) (I know you wanted to know that), I'm not hungry...that was different"... The third one I said to Chad, "I think I just felt the baby move." It was neat. I'm sure that soon enough I will know for sure. Betty Anne assures me that when I have to stuff the little foot back from between my rib cage, I'll remember back to these days of wondering. :)

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Lemonade escapades and other weekend adventures

It's been another busy bunch of time.

Wow, so much has happened, here's a run down. Chad's Nannie Whitaker from Bar Harbor came up to stay with us for a week (we love having her come visit, she is so much fun!) and the whole Billington-Whitaker-Howell crew took off to PEI for Doug's graduation cermony Mother's Day weekend. We managed to put a good many kilometers on our car the first week we had it and it has treated us so well, God has been good to us. While there we also manged to squeeze in 10 minutes at "Cow's" so I could get an icecream and a baby onesie with "Don't cry over spilled milk" for our little one on the way. I was soooooooo excited about this, you can't even imagine...unless you know me and know how crazy excited I can get about the little things.

Mothers day was that Sunday and it was really strange for me. They always give all the mothers a rose on Mothers day, but I didn't figure I really qualifed yet this year, but someone brought me over a rose...then several people made different comments on the way out...some thinking it was sweet I was a mother, others thinking it was a bit premature, I found it confusing. So I went home and had a nap while Chad got ready for his sermon.

The next Saturday Chad & I attached the house....AGAIN. Basically we finished what we had started a few saturdays ago and got the sparebedoom moved over to the study, the stuff from the study moved around, throw out or put in storage and left an empty baby's room...a blank slate for later creativity. What a huge job! We just kept pushing and pushing until finally at 10pm when I bent over and wasn't so sure my back muscles were going to pull me back up, I decided to hit the sac for the night.

Monday was Angela & Adam's wedding shower. We went down to Mom & Dad's Sunday night after Chad finished preaching. Monday morning Mom fitted me for my bridesmaids dress...which, honestly, I'm wondering how stunning I'm going to look, not because the dress isn't nice...the material is beautiful, the colour is stunning...but I just am sooo big. I don't look pregnant yet, just FAT...anyway that is another ramble altogether. Kaitlyn on the other hand is LOADS of fun! I love that little kid so much! What a blast she had out in the strawberry patches with Grampy, and flowerbeds with Grammie, I got some great pics! The shower was great too. Angela & Adam had a great show of support from family and got some lovely gifts, I think they were pleased.
We came home last night for a lemonade escapade. I sat a glass of lemonday down on the coffee table beside my laptop, sat on the couch and reached for my glass only to knock it over, it went for the floor but I thought I would try to catch it, splattering lemonade all over my keyboard. I gasped and was speechless, Chad heard the gasp and flalling around faster than I could even think he jumped from his seat, hung my laptop upside down and pealed out the battery throwing it on the floor (it is at times like these that I see just how very different we are!) So all night and all day today we left it upside down drying out and praying....

Tonight I am happy to announce, Chad took my computer all apart and it looks like it is fine and is opperating quite well. It was a long day wondering and hoping....although I did manage to do all the laundry, fold and put away, go through a bunch of clothes, disgard and reorganize and spring clean the bedroom, walls, windows etc. in the interm!

So that's up to now....so much going on.....

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Baby Billington's Heartbeat

Today Chad & I got to hear our baby's heartbeat for the first time. What a strange experience. Don't get me wrong, it was neat, but so strange. All this time we've known we're pregnant but now, now it seems a bit more real. At times I have thought, ok, there is something growing inside of me, but today it was like, wow, there is a little person with his very own heartbeat growing inside of me! A very very different feeling. So Chad & I are just kind of in the "wow" fase I'd say.

Chad of course recorded the heartbeat so we can listen to it as aften as we want. The next big appointment is the Ultrasound, now that will be really strange I'm sure. It was weird though, I have prayed endlessly for this little person since we found out we were pregnant, but today, today I felt like I was starting to love him, it's just so surreal to think there is a little someone, with his own little heartbeat growing inside of me....I guess I hadn't put much thought into it before...I wonder who this little person will be?

Monday, May 07, 2007

We have growth!

I'm soooooooooOOOOOOO excited! I went out to dig around in our flowerbed this afternoon, this was one of last years projects that I started before we went off on our huge vacation and left it untended for about 3 weeks, well probably more like 4 or so, and of course we don't have a clue about gardening, and we have GROWTH!

I had noticed the other day that the rose bush looked like it was going to come back, or at least a part of it, and the bleeding heart that I was sure and completly died off is shooting up and, the yellow bush thing is flowering beautifully, our lilac bush as some major blossoms happening and the tiny dead roots from Sharon's last years daffodils have sprouted into the sweetest tiny little daffodils I've ever seen..... then as I was pulling up weeds and pushing around multch, low and behold 5 shoots of lilies (I think)!!! You should have heard me hollaring to Chad, "Chad, Chad come here I found another one!" I'm just sooooooOOOOOO excited! I've always wanted my own garden and I have absolutly no clue about any thing gardening whatsoever, but we might get a couple flowers yet! Woooooppeeee!

Our New Car

At long last we have a vehicle again! thanks to God for getting us a great one in our price range and keeping up away from others that wouldn't have been so good.

Chad's Birthday

The Billington Egg Family

My crazy sister April made Chad & I the Billington Egg Family for Easter. I absolutly LOVE them! Check them out! Baby Billington in the back seat LOL!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Preparing for Baby Billington!

Well Chad & I have been busy these last two days. Last night we got right to work after BUYING A CAR!!!!! Wooopeeee! We've now got a great little Corolla-- praise God! I think it will serve us well. We were so blessed to have everyone helping us out these last 2 months but I must say i am SOOOOO happy we now have our own vehicle!

Anyway, as I was saying before that aside :) Shelley came over (good ol' Shel, always there to help) and we tackled the heavy furniture I'm not allowed to lift (they say nothing over 10 pounds when you're pregnant!), so we got the living room in order and the study furniture cleared out. I washed walls and windows as well, so the living room is in great condition. Today Chad and I tackled the kitchen, pantry etc. Basically we went through and reorganized and cleared out the junk, making room for the baby. It was great, well it wasn't fun at all, and I did take a mental break and physical nap in the middle, but it is great now that much of it is done. So the next big thing to tackle is the odds and ends in the study that need to find a home, then we'll move the spare bedroom furniture into the study to be the new spare bedroom, then the old sparebedroom will be blank slate for a baby's room.

Sounds like a plan....anybody have any great ideas of nursery decorating? We're taking ideas, oh and baby girl names....we haven't been able to find anything we like yet....