Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Have you ever questioned all that you're about? I mean really seriously questioned it. How is it that I could think, from the time I was a little girl, that I was born to teach, and yet the journey there has been so difficult? Am I really off the mark?

I wasn't positive I had that job yesturday, but I was feeling really good about it. I thought I presented myself well, I was pleased with my conduct and responses. I felt that if I didn't get the job I wouldn't feel like I was a real looser, that I had screwed up seriously in the interview, and I don't feel like a major looser. Honestly that is a really good thing, but I am really disappointed. They called this morning and told me that I had a very strong interview but that the job had gone to someone else. They did say other competitions were coming up soon and to apply, yet I'm left with this feeling....not of being a looser, but seriously questioning this teaching thing. How far off the mark am I?

I have another interview in the morning for district 17, we'll see. But honestly, how will I do in an interview if I'm questioning things myself? I need a God moment of clarity.

1 comment:

MELANIE said...

Sorry to hear about the job frustration...but I can relate right now. All I can say, is the right teaching position will find you eventually, hang in there. (that goes for me too...except not for teaching, obviously!! haha)