Saturday, October 07, 2006

Email Me Please

I tend to include personal photo's and information about my family and friends on my blog, and lately I've been reevaluating how "safe" that is. I'm not overly concerned about myself at all, but at the same time I realize the importance of being wise. So here's my proposition, if you read and enjoy my blog and would like to continue to see it, email me at and I will add your name & email (if I deem you safe) to the list of private emails who can access my blog.

Otherwise you will be able to check out more general musings from me at


MELANIE said...

Hey Heidi! I like the new format!! I changed mine as well, but it took me 2 hours to get everthing the way I wanted it. hahaha

Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!!
Melanie xo

Heidi said...

Thanks Melanie, I thought it was time for a face lift, and it's fun blogging. Looking forward to your visit this weekend!

A busy Thanksgiving weekend for us, but what else is new. Hope you guys had a good one too.