Sunday, February 04, 2007

these are the days...

So it's been a couple of weeks, wow, what a couple of weeks it has been. It seems I have been especially busy, there was a run there, for 8 days or so that I was working every day and running all weekend, and all evenings. No wonder I was feeling tired! It always seems like there is nothing, or too much!

I have been helping co-write a song for a CD the choir is putting together in the spring. This has been a fun experience for me, working with someone else's thoughts, and tightening it up a bit. It is neat sitting down with other creative thinkers for a brainstorm! This has been far more positive than I thought it would be, to be honest. I look forward to hearing the final product.

I have offically started my job as Music teacher. It is fun, the kids are so cute (for the most part!) Honestly, the little kindergarten kids come running up to me after class to give me a hug, I hardly even remember those days. it is good for the ego to have someone thinking you're wonderful! Elementary school definitly has a different feel than middle school for sure, but I think I am going to really enjoy it. It's amazing how fast the days and the weeks fly!

I have the enjoyable task of decorating the room. The other teacher didn't seem so keen in this area so it's kind of blank slate for me, which is a bit intimdating. Any ideas on great music classroom decoration? My goal is for these kids to walk away from music class thinking music is just too awesome!

Friday Chad's Grammie was in a car accident. What a mess! She has a nasty gash to her head and some bruising but thankfully she is ok. It does make you stop and think again of how quickly things can change, and what really matters, those who really matter in our lives become clear again.

Saturday we went to Ashley & Murray's wedding. It's funny how weddings seem to make you a bit giddy about your own realtionship, or at least that is the case for Chad & I. Yet it also reminds us that a good marriage is a good load of work too! We had fun just hanging out with some SSC friends while we were there. We were in Centerville NB, which ironically is no where near the center of NB at all, but there was absolutly nothing to do between the ceremony & the reception during picture taking time, so we had fun at a little bakery with awesome baking and fabulous prices, just hanging with some friends. It seems we don't get to just "hang" with people much anymore. It's always for a reason, to accomplish something...I miss that.

I'm enjoying READING THE RED, with my church family. The church has decided to read the words of Jesus (often printed in red in many Bible translations) over the next months, and they have also set up a blog for us to blog our thoughts and reflections as we read. It's kind a cool. You can get in on the fun too at

Well I'm off for a bit of a lesson planning/ creative classroom decorating brainstorm session. Wish me luck! and by all means if you have ideas send them along!

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