Monday, May 07, 2007

We have growth!

I'm soooooooooOOOOOOO excited! I went out to dig around in our flowerbed this afternoon, this was one of last years projects that I started before we went off on our huge vacation and left it untended for about 3 weeks, well probably more like 4 or so, and of course we don't have a clue about gardening, and we have GROWTH!

I had noticed the other day that the rose bush looked like it was going to come back, or at least a part of it, and the bleeding heart that I was sure and completly died off is shooting up and, the yellow bush thing is flowering beautifully, our lilac bush as some major blossoms happening and the tiny dead roots from Sharon's last years daffodils have sprouted into the sweetest tiny little daffodils I've ever seen..... then as I was pulling up weeds and pushing around multch, low and behold 5 shoots of lilies (I think)!!! You should have heard me hollaring to Chad, "Chad, Chad come here I found another one!" I'm just sooooooOOOOOO excited! I've always wanted my own garden and I have absolutly no clue about any thing gardening whatsoever, but we might get a couple flowers yet! Woooooppeeee!

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