Saturday, May 26, 2007

Singing Singing Singing! and the baby moving?

Today was a Singing, Singing, Singing day. At 9am (ok 9:15 for me) the choir gathered for the day to practice our songs for the new SSC CD coming in the fall. We go into the recording studio next week. This should be a neat experience. I wasn't a part of the last CD recording at SSC, so I'm looking forward to the experience. At the same time, it is going to be an exhausting week.

This week Chad and I are busy Monday night(birthday celebrations), tuesday night (recording), wednesday night (final night of The Marriage Course), thursday night (recording), Saturday morning Chad's speaking, saturday afternoon we have a housewarming party and then sunday is all day church again. talk about a wild week, even for us!

Then next tuesday we have our ultrasound. That will be strange and neat. I think I may have felt the baby move for the first time last night. I was laying on my side, finally cooling down (thanks to Chad's ingenous ideas and thoughtfulness) and I felt this blourp, blourp feeling. It didn't really feel like hunger, or butterflies, or even gas like everything I've read told me it would, the only way I could explain it was with a sound "blourp, blourp". The first blourp I just laid there, wondering, the second I thought, "wait a minute I don't have gas :) (I know you wanted to know that), I'm not hungry...that was different"... The third one I said to Chad, "I think I just felt the baby move." It was neat. I'm sure that soon enough I will know for sure. Betty Anne assures me that when I have to stuff the little foot back from between my rib cage, I'll remember back to these days of wondering. :)

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