Friday, December 01, 2006

It's December ONE!

Happy first of December folks, as the icy rain pellets hit the window pane of our cozy mini home my mind wanders back to the days before elnino and elnarmo and elisa...anyway, to the days when December meant snow, white, fluffy, pleasant, warm, sweet on your tongue unless a dog got there first, snow. Will it come? All I've ever wanted for my birthday was snow...and most years I get it-let this year not be the first without! I'm actually really excited about my 27th year. Yup, I've thought since I was seven years old, that 27 would be the year of good things-bring it on.

Until then my lovely Mom has entertained Chad & I with an advent basket. Today was the first day we could open a gift. It was actually quite funny, last night a little past eleven we're lying in bed and I say, you know it's almost the first of december, in little under and hour....and Chad suggests we stay up for midnight to open up our gift, it was just killing us! Common sense kicked in and a desire not to be tardy to work this morning, and we decided if we were still awake at midnight we would get up and open it, otherwise we would wait until morning. At 11:31pm, I still thought we would make it, but we didn't we fell asleep and had it to open this morning.

I thought I did the really polite thing and I told Chad he could open it if he wanted to, this day anyway, I don't know if I'll always be so generous, ok, I know I won't always be so generous. Anyway, we were thrilled to open up chocolate advent calandars, but get this-it was one for each of us, so we don't have to share! I guess my Mom knows us to well and didn't want us fighting so close to the holidays! :) to bed for this sleepy head---advent #2 tomorrow!

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