Wednesday, May 31, 2006


yuk, I've been sick for days and I can't seem to get rid of it! Not sick enough to not carry on with regular responsiblities but sick enough to be miserable. It seems to just be hitting me at different times of the day, I'll be fine in the morning and then sick (nausa, horrible headaches & other details you don't want to hear about) in the afternoon, then good in the evening and repeat sick in the night. Yuk. I hope I'm feeling better by Sunday when we fly out. I have so much too do between now and then, finish cleaning the house, buying supplies for travel and packing, work every day, piano lessons, alpha practice and singing, supervise the middle school dance thursday night, friday we were invited out but I'm not sure that's going to be able to happen, Saturday we've got to make sure we're ready to go, the house in order, then we've got a wedding in the afternoon, I've got the grade eight formal to drop in on in between the wedding and the reception. Sunday we've got two services to get through and then hit the road for Moncton and we're in the air by 4pm. Ikes! No wonder I'm nauseus! I'm so ready for vacation! 3 days till we fly :0

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't resist this one. Maybe you speaketh too much about concerns others have for you two to start a family. Maybe it has started. Just kidding. In case I don't see you, have a wonderful vacation