Monday, May 01, 2006

gobble gobble

Well we did it! Chad & I pulled off our first turkey dinner! Chad had picked up a turkey for $.80 lb last time he was in the great USA, so we decided how better to cook it up than have a pile of our friends in to eat it up with us! There were a few debates "But my Mom does it this way..." kinda things as Chad and I prepared but generally I'd say it was a great mix. Chad cooked the turkey with bacon and spices, onions and things, yummy! I made Mom's dressing which everyone ranted and raved over, guess they don't have dressing with potatoes and apples very often in these parts. We cheated with the pies and picked up Pecan (one of my favorites) and Apple Crumble from the market, but I figured that was ok if we put all the effort into the meal! I'd say it was a raving success! We laughed so hard most of us had tears running down our cheeks and sore belly's at least at one point in the evening. It's so nice to have a bunch of friends get together and just laugh and have fun. Good friends are so great! Unfortunatly we were having such a great time we forgot to take any pictures :(

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