Monday, May 29, 2006

The Davinci Code revisited

I must admit, I have been so proud of my dear hubby these last two Sunday's as he took on the huge topic of Dan Brown's The Davinci Code. I've always known him to be a smart dude, and love to have an intellectual garble with him regularly about a topic of interest to the two of us. Chad's studying at Fuller Theological Seminary gave him an excellent footing in Early Church History among many other things. Having had some questions myself after reading the novel, and doing a bit of minimal research I was really proud of Chad's sermon series and how well he addressed some of the major topics the novel raises. If you too are interested, please check out this website where he has posted his sermon notes, and the mp3's of his sermons, so you can listen along as if you had been there yourself and the powerpoints he used. He has also posted some articles he had refered to, other resources that he found helpful and of interest. Check them out! I intend to go back to them myself, I particularly enjoyed the first sermon The Bible: Fax from Heaven? Great fundamentals of Early Church History.

I just realized I hadn't officially commented on the movie. I will admit I was really excited to go to opening night and see what all the hype was about. Unfortunalty I was really disapointed. Where the novel excelled in hype and suspense, keeping you at the edge of your seat, flipping the next page, beginning the next chapter wondering what was going to be next....the movie was long and boring. Why they choose to take out all the exciting suspensful moments, I'm honestly not sure.

As is custom in our Billington household we sat alone in the theatre watching the credits role after the movie and had an interesting discussion about what was removed and what was added to the movie as compared to the book, honestly not so well chosen in my opinion. This discussion with Chad with the credits as our backdrop was really the most interesting part of that movie going expereince. From a purely movie goers point of view, don't waste your $10 bucks. To know what's going, to challenge your faith or lack there of, to ask some big questions that could change your life.....spend the $10 bucks...ask the questions...test your faith or lack there of-God will withstand it all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Heidi and Chad
I went to the church web site and have read over the notes on the code sermons. Powerful stuff and I plan to share with friends. I am now in the process of trying to listen to the sermons. I don't want to get too into it till I have read the book. I'm loking forward to doing a cross study of the two. Thanks Chad for such an inspiring look at what has turned many christians upside down and inside out. Have a great day