Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The St. Stephen Chocolate Factory

Well, yesturday was great! Chad & I planned to meet Mom & Dad, Nanny & Grampy, April & Trevor, Angela & Kaitlyn in St. Stephen for a picnic and then we had booked a tour at the St. Stephen Chocolate Factory. It is Chocolate Fest in St. Stephen this week. We had tons of fun!

The tour was neat! We all had to line up with our hair nets (oh and for Chad, the beard net too) outside the factory. Even Kaitlyn had to wear one! We had to take off all jewlery too, I guess they don't want any diamond chocolate treats! Then they took us around throughout the factory showing us how pepermints, jellybeans and finally chocolate is made. I must admit to you that the smell of those machines mixing with candy and chocolate is not at all appealing!-gross! But I did manage at the end of the tour to fill my boots with chocolate. Unfortunatly because so many people are allergic to nuts, they didn't have many if any chocolate covered nuts out for sampling and they are my favorite! Kaitlyn was so interested in it all and got her first taste of chocolate cherry and a piece of black licorice that she absolutly loved to slobber up!

After the tour we drove downtown to the old factory which is now a museum and chocoliter, or chocolate store. Here, they had tons of chocolates to munch on as you went through, a chocolate history, chocolate carvings and movies on how the factory came into being, some of the initial employee's interviewed and more chocolate chocolate chocolate! By the time we left the museum we had all seen enough chocolate for, well, a little while :)

I went on the hunt for a charm for my bracelet, chocolate or St. Stephen, but was unsuccessful and then we all met to look at a gift shop, where Kaitlyn proceeded to fill her little feet and hands with splinters on the deck outside--yikes, they looked nasty. So, for the next hour or so we waited around while Mom tried to pry the splinters out of her little feet.

When Mom had done as much damage as she dare we went down to Pizza Delight for supper, where Kaitlyn proceeded to continue being the star of the show, showing us she would be 1 year old with her index finger, playing patty cake, cheering and giving applause--she is so much fun at this age!

After dinner, we walked up to Scoops, an icecream shop with a huge amount of falvors and most of us got an icecream, including Chad who also had to go next door and get some deep fried frenchfries.

All in all it was a great day, and as usual just so nice to hang out together and have some fun.

If you haven't been to the St. Stephen Chocolate Factory, you really should take a trip down during their one week Chocolate Fest. I don't know if tickets for this year are all sold out, but book it in your calandar and check it out--it's really econimical too! I'll post pictures once I have them developed!

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