Friday, June 01, 2007

so tired

It's been an interesting week and I'm tired. Tuesday and Thursday night the choir was out at the studio recording. What an interesting process. I realize that some people really are not open to constructive criticism... I wonder how they make out in their jobs, relationships etc... I'm the strong opposite in this situation, I firgure if someone isn't telling me how to better do whatever I'm working at they are doing something wrong! that doesn't negate of course, the importance of delivery...but I'd really rather know if I'm doing something wrong then find out later in a worse way. So recording was interesting, and a very very long time to stand on your feet!

We saw yet another finale of the Marriage Course Wednesday night. It has been such a privilge to make this happen and offer it to people. It is a good course, the trick with everything is getting out of the rut and busy with putting it into action!

Tomorrow Chad & I go to a breakfast, usually a monthly mens breakfast in Upper Kingsclear but this time it is for wives as well. Chad is speaking at it. Should be a neat experience. Then friends of ours have a house warming in the afternoon.

There is more but...
I'm sleepy...I think I need a nap.

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