Monday, June 18, 2007

Compression Socks

So last Tuesday I had a follow up appointment after our intial ultrasound with our Doctor. We got to listen to the baby's heartbeat again and he measured my uterus, interesting fact, the amount of centimeters you measure should be very close to the amount of weeks you are pregnant! Anyway, we had all the other check ups including my blood pressure which still remains nice and low etc. We also discussed my "swelling".

Ever since Angela & Adam's wedding my feet have been swollen, to the point where most of my shoes don't fit. I don't want to stretch all of my good shoes out so I've been wearing mostly flipflops--very lovely! Anyway noone has said anything to me at work, I honestly think I can probably get away with a lot now that I'm pregnant. Anyway, the good ol' doc. tells me that I one thing I should invest in for the summer is compression socks, which he assures me are very fasionable and can be found at Shoppers Drug Mart. These socks are used to help against varicose veins, swelling etc, by pushing the blood back up into your legs. So especially where I'm on my feet a lot at school and stuff we decided it would be a wise investment. Now, I'm not so sure about my doc and fashion but I've got to say these socks aren't quite "MY" style! oh well. Now I'm an old grannie with compression socks that rise up to my knees!

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