Thursday, January 04, 2007

The Christmas Rundown

Christmas ’06 proved busy as usual with many events leading up to Christmas itself I found myself longing for a few days of quiet.

Christmas Eve was a full day. We had Sunday morning service, just one for some family time, and then I had a band practice for that night. At 2pm we headed home for a nap and to get ready for evening services practice at 4:30pm. This was the first year our church moved to 2 candlelight evening services. Of course there are always wrinkles that need to be ironed out after such a change, but for the most part things went really well. In the 6pm service we had 600+ people, and in the 8pm service there were over 300+ people. A full house and a much needed change. Chad and I were both really tired and hungry after services so we headed home around 9:30pm. At home we sat under the tree and munched on the best jalapeno cheese ball, crackers, sweets and eggnog until we were too tired to stay up much longer.

Christmas morning Chad was up early and showered, sitting on our bedroom floor on his laptop waiting for me to wake up. Christmas morning was undeniably my most favourite time this Christmas. Chad got the coffee started and we headed out for the tree. It was so fun opening our gifts together. Chad did a fabulous job getting me things I absolutely love! He is such a bargain hunter too! He loves the thrill of the hunt. I am a lucky gal. I’m quite excitable too. Some “Chad presents” that were highlights for me: my Willow Tree Nativity, a laminator for school, Adrienne Clarkson’s biography, and some fabulous shampoo, moisturizer, lotion and lovely girly stuff. Mom made us a beautiful quilt and it smells just like her. I love to cozy up in it and remember my mom like a little girl. Mom & Dad also got us this really cool serving platter that folds out from under itself. So cool. Anyway, Christmas morning was the best. Chad & I called my family in Moncton on speaker phone and listened to them open up our presents, it was great to be able to share that with them.

At noon we got ourselves cleaned up and out the door to Chad’s Grammie B’s. There we ate munchies and opened up gifts to and from each other. From there we moved over to Chad’s Aunt Susan’s for dinner. Here we had a massive spread of food and made sure all of us were busting at the seams. Around 5pm we headed to Sharon & Gary’s for more Christmas gift opening to and from each other. Around 8:30pm or so we headed to our home to crash for the rest of the night. What a full day.

Boxing day we were supposed to head down to Elgin to spend a couple of days with my family but we got a call Christmas Day night from them saying they were all sick with the flu. For the week everyone from my 1 ½ year old niece Kaitlyn to my Grampy who is 77 battled the flu. It was so bad my sister and her husband and my other sisters fiancé had to leave my parents because there wasn’t enough bathroom time with their 2 bathrooms. I felt really bad for them, and a bit bad for myself, I wanted to spend a bit of time with them.

The upside for us was that no one knew we were in Fredericton, we were supposed to be in Elgin, so we spent a really quite pj day at home reading and having a lovely dinner together. The quite I had longed for.

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