Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Playing Aunt Heidi

Well I've now officially graduated on the scale of coolness! LOL! Sharon informed me yesturday that my gorgeous niece Savanna was supposed to be having her nap (but really didn't want one) after playing for quite sometime in her room (keep in mind she's just 2) she came out with a her stuffed rabbit under her shirt. When Sharon asked her what she was doing she said she was "playing Aunt Heidi". LOL! She's 2!!! Anyway, Sharon didn't make a big deal of it or anthing and Savanna carried on "Playing aunt Heidi" for a good bit before she got tired of it I guess. I think that is too cute! Ah if it were only that simple! I wonder if she thinks I have a bunny, or a baby in my belly! Here's for hoping it's a baby! :)

1 comment:

Doug said...

Love it, absolutely hilarious. She is such a sweet little thing.