Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Bam fumes!

So yesturday, prior to hearing about Mom being in the hospital, I decided that tuesday should be "clean the house day", I don't usually work on Tuesdays. So I ran through vacuming and cleaning the bathroom with this bam stuff that burns in your nostrils for hours later. After mopping the floor it was quite wet and I had a friend coming over for a visit so I decided to open up the door and let the nice warm air help dry the floor quicker. Then I hopped in the shower to get cleaned up after my cleaning extraveganza. Crawling out of the shower I realize the floor feel cold, and low and behold I check the kitchen and I'd left the door open. Absent minded or what? As Dad said when I told him the story. Even a robber knows better than to walk in on a cleanly scrubbed floor! I blame in on the Bam fumes!

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