Saturday, March 11, 2006

Wow what a week!

Wow what a week.
It has been yet another difficult week, I find myself doing a lot of soul searching and thinking this week. My sister Angela, after a trying week with her daughter Kaitlyn in the hospital was just getting back into the routine of life at home when she headed out last Saturday to pick up some things for the baby at the mall.

Not 5 minutes from home she was in a terrible car accident, totalling her car and another lady's, as well as side-swiping a truck. She hit a patch of ice and a turn in the road. Needless to say it is amazing that she is even alive, and it has given me much cause to think about life, family etc. She broke her collarbone and isn't in great shape, but she is alive. How scary it is to think we may have lost her. How quickly life can change, so drastically and dramatically.

I have to stop and think about what really matters, again. Most things seem so frivolous and meaningless; even the things we get so worked up about. How important it is to end each encounter with the people we love reaffirming how much we love them. Life is so short, and although beautiful, misunderstandings can so quickly divide us. I mean the week with Kaitlyn in the hospital was too much, and then to hear of Angela and to think of all the possibilities of life without her, more than this little mind can wrap around. I wonder what all of this means for my family. Perhaps we are learning in a deeper way to cherish each other even more.

I spent most of March break at home in Moncton trying to help out. Angela broke her collarbone so she is unable to pick up Kaitlyn and care for her for the next four weeks. Until Mom could workout something with her work place, my sister April and I did our best to help out at home. With all the business of caring for Kaitlyn and trying to relieve Angela I don’t think it really hit me, the gravity of the situation, how blessed I am to still have her, until I returned to Fredericton yesterday. I stop and thank God for her. I pray for her healing, physical and emotional and that I will be reminded how precious life and family is and the need to cherish and protect what God has given me.

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