Thursday, February 23, 2006

baby Kaitlyn

Thanks to all of you for all of your prayers these last few days. It has been such a scary and worrisome few days. Kaitlyn, my sisters' baby started with a spiked fever, moaning, rash etc. last thursday. After a week of hospitalization and tests the doctors have finally got a handle on making her better. There have been many tears and prayers going up all over North America these last days as the doctors ruled out Meningitis, Lukemia and numerous other things they didn't dare mention to us.

Kaitlyn has a bacterial infection in her kidneys. This is uncommon at her age, just 6 months old, and they will do tests as an outpatient to check the function of her kidneys. Unfortunatly while in hospital she also contracted a gastriointestinal infection making her illness confusing as she exhibiited a variety of symptoms that didn't seem connected.

Today the doctor is confident she is well on her way to recovery. With a double increased dose of antibiodicts she is responding well and the doctor assured Angela (Kaitlyn's Mom) that if she had 24 hours as good as the last 24, Kaitlyn will be able to go home tomorrow.

Again, thank you for all of your prayers, they mean so much. I whispered to Katilyn the other night while I was rocking her trying to comfort her, "Do you know Kaitlyn, that there are people all over North America praying for you to get better?" Thanks to God for her health! I am so a happy to see her beautiful smiling face again.

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