Ok, goofy picture, really, but I look excited. Chad tells me I was spoiled flying Westjet the first time.
Flying was so neat! I was amazed at how small the plane and aisles were, there is more space travelling by Grayhound! and the itzy bitzy airline food! LOL! The Stewardess was a riot, kind of like a glorified bar waitress--I felt guilty having her wait on me while I just sat back in my seat and watched t.v. the safety demonstration on the other hand was absolutly hilarious as one recited the safty instructions hiding behind the cockpit, and the young one jestured. I had to watch EVERY time, simply because I found it so hilarious to watch!
Lift off was a huge rush-like a massive super power rollar caster surging ahead-what a mind blowing concept! I absolutly loves it when the plane twists and turns on an angle showing the earth beneath.
Flying over and through the clouds is awesome. The clouds take on so many different forms--soft, fluffy, making you want to reach out and grab it as you take off. From above them, they look like waves in an ocean of quilting batten. During clearnings they look like galloping herds of clouds racing through the mountains.
Then there are the Rockies, we didn't see much of them because it was cloudy, but when the clouds parted you just want to reach out and touch them, let your fingers ripple over their rough surface--I thought how they were like God's brail, speaking of His splendor!
Then you come to a clearing, a blue glaze covering the earth. Clouds suspended besdie you, birds fling beneath you, sunlight reflecting on the streams, rivers and lakes, weaving amoungst the quiltwork of varrigated swirls of grass and land patches. Trees look like bundles of sweater piles clustered around miniture villages.
As I stared through the frost crystals lining the windowpane I was in awe--we're so tiny! Yet God chooses to be activly touching every aspet of eah one of our lives. I am so blessed!
A quick switch in Calgary we headed off to Kelowna and arrived at 9:30pm there time, 1:30am, back home. We grabbed a rental car and some Micky-D's, got lost a bit, found our hotel and crashed. What a day! Can you tell I loved it!
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