We noticed that as long as we kept moving backwards she would stop and pose for us, but as soon as we stopped moving she would start towards us, snorting. Now Chad & I can both be a bit thick sometimes but her message seemed pretty clear, we weren't getting through today. When we got to the boardwalk we were both certain she would head off into the marsh and maybe we could pass by her, but no, quite not the case, she decided to continue to follow us over the boardwalk, we weren't getting in to the Fjords today. Chad kept stopping and saying "look babe, look babe" but what he hadn't noticed is that I was doubled over doing my best to keep walking back the path we'd come. Let's just put it this way, I'll save you the details, but it seems that the saying "had the crap scared out of you" had some roots in truth. No, my pants remained clean, but it was a close call!
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