Wednesday, May 18th, 2006 the day dawns cloudy and threatening rain, I'm not very pleased about that. It's the UNB graduation I decide to attend and it's rainy and gross, we don't get to march up the hill in the traditional march, the threat of rain is too much, part of me wouldn't mind getting wet, it's my graduation! But that's ok I guess.
I started the morning finishing up some laundry, cleaning the bathroom, scrubbing the floors and making sure the place was clean and friendly for my family who were coming over after the gradution ceremony. I was excited to have them up to my home again, they don't get up here all that often.
At lunch Chad came home with a Big Xtra Combo from McDonalds for me, yummy, I don't eat McD's very often, it's terrible for you! but it was a nice and quick way to start off the celebrations, I also made time to do a french manicure on my fingers and toes which is always a nice touch.
We arrived on time to the school, but I was getting a little panicky that I was running late so I hurried off to the South gym where we lined up, only to have to head back as I'd lost my tassel somewhere along the way. I ran into my family who were also arriving for the ceremony and Mom gave me some beautiful flowers, but I didn't really get to appreciate them until later because of all the stress about loosing my tassel. Finally, I found it on the ground in between some cars and was able to go get lined up.
More important to me than the boring ceremony, was seeing the pride on my family's faces and having them share in the day with me as they've watched me struggle and chase this dream for so long.
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