I supose it was bound to happen...
I suppose it was bound to happen....let me fill you in. For Easter, Chad, loving man, knowing how much I love chocolate thought it would be sweet to get me a little something. Also, loving to get a rise out of me, found the perfect Easter chocolate treat--a chocolate cross. Yes, a chocolate CROSS. No Easter bunny pagan celebrations for me, no, spiritual candy, chocolate torture devices for this Pastor's wife. Of course the only reason he got it for me was to get me all rilled up about tacky Christianity. One mistake on his behalf though, he gave it to me at 6am on Sunday, being the non-morning person that I am, I'm afraid he was disappointed with the "What the...."
Needless to say we've had much discussion about it since then, and I just couldn't bring myself to eat it, I mean how do you sit there munching on a chocolate torture device, or worse still, a chocolate means of sacrifice by your Savior? I'm sure Chad was enjoying watching me struggle between my love for chocolate and my overopinionated opinion on the "special treat".
Well tonight I gave in. I admit it. I ate it. It's true. I have no morals. I must admit it was one of the best bits of milk chocolate I've had in awhile. Quality chocolate, at least.....I just can't wait to send our kids to Sunday school ranting about how immoral and pagan the Easter bunny is as they munch on chocolate crosses.
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