So I finished the highly publicized "The DaVinci Code" last night. Perhaps this shocks you, how could I, a pastor's wife and follower of Jesus, read "The DaVinci Code which claims Jesus as not divine, but a powerful human who married Mary Magdalene and has a bloodline alive to this day. First of all, I have an inquisitive mind, one that refuses to have someone else "tell me" what I can or cannot read or believe, I want to KNOW for myself, I want to SEE for myself, I want to DECIDE for myself. This was much the same in this case. I feel it a very unwise path to take to criticize something passionately without know what it is truly about. So I read it.
I must say I absolutely love it, as a piece of fiction. It is an excellent read, intellectually stimulating (makes you think), a great mystery novel, suprising you throughout, a page turner, keeping you on your toes, well told. I would highly recommend it if you enjoy a good mystery, I will probably read it again sometime.
Having said all of that, things start to get wonky for Brown in Chapter 55. Up to that point I was a very satisfied reader, kept on my toes, thrilled with the mystery and excellence with which Brown was telling his story. Then Chapter 55 happens, smack in the middle Brown gets an agenda, and it is so unfortunately obvious! The story telling stops and Brown starts (and I'd say carelessly) throwing his religious agenda at the reader. One of the main characters, Sophie, goes from smart and brainy cryptographyologist, cunning, cleaver and a leader intellectually, to Brown's stunned puppet, played and dancing about the issues Brown wishes to endoctrinate his reader. She begins to make quick, obvious, leading questions, simple, direct, nearly sounding brainwashed, and immediately accepting all that Brown wishes his audience will accept as well-it's just so obvious. From the perspective of someone who loves Fiction, I found this so disappointing and not true to the character of Sophie.
Perhaps, for someone who had absolutely no introduction in Early Church History, or someone who is already looking for a reason not to believe in Jesus Christ as Divine and to further defame the Christian Church (and lets face it, they've done enough injustice over the centuries without people trying to help them out) it would be easy to believe the statements Brown throws around so carelessly in the chapters surrounding 55. For myself, red flags began to go up in my mind, as the little I know of Early Church History resurfaced and it became obvious how careless Brown had been. For me, I had hoped for all the controversy he would have done a better job at presenting his "facts". I myself intend to do a little research and brush up on some of the inaccuracies he portrayed and the questions they raised for me. And this, is why I would recommend the book to Christians and non-Christians alike. Sit down to a good read (there are only a couple really dumb, agenda-laden chapters and then we're back to great storytelling), and then be challenged to rework your Faith, or lack there of. Dig around, get the facts, and make an informed decision on Jesus, the Early Church etc.
Chad has a leg up in this area having studied Early Church History at Fuller quite extensively. He begins a two part series next week, exposing some of the inaccuracies Brown puts out there in "The DaVinci Code", I will be sure to update what I take from him, here as well. But until then, (and yes we will be there at the movie premier on the 19th-and I will admit I am excited to see it) I plan to revisit some of the following in my own study:
The Holy Grail
DaVinici's paintings
The Gospels
The Gnostic Gospels
What does "Gospel" mean? What connotations are associated with it's meaning?
The "Gospel" of Thomas
Roman Emperor Constantine the Great
Council of Nicaea, Nicene Creed
The Dead Sea Scrolls
Mary Magdalene
The Sangreal Documents
The Opus Dei
The Priory of Sion
The Mirovingian Bloodline
The Knights Templar
that should keep me busy for a little while. Wanna join me on my quest? I'd suggest following your own, see where it takes you!
1 comment:
Hi Heidi
I too want to read davinci code. You would be surprised at how many christians have picked up the book to see just how much of a fool Brown thinks we are. I'm waiting for the summer and the long lazy days to catch up on my reading. Maybe we can compare notes when I finish. See ya tonight at choir.
Love ya
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