Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Monday, May 29, 2006
The Davinci Code revisited

I just realized I hadn't officially commented on the movie. I will admit I was really excited to go to opening night and see what all the hype was about. Unfortunalty I was really disapointed. Where the novel excelled in hype and suspense, keeping you at the edge of your seat, flipping the next page, beginning the next chapter wondering what was going to be next....the movie was long and boring. Why they choose to take out all the exciting suspensful moments, I'm honestly not sure.
As is custom in our Billington household we sat alone in the theatre watching the credits role after the movie and had an interesting discussion about what was removed and what was added to the movie as compared to the book, honestly not so well chosen in my opinion. This discussion with Chad with the credits as our backdrop was really the most interesting part of that movie going expereince. From a purely movie goers point of view, don't waste your $10 bucks. To know what's going, to challenge your faith or lack there of, to ask some big questions that could change your life.....spend the $10 bucks...ask the questions...test your faith or lack there of-God will withstand it all.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
ONE by U2
Monday, May 22, 2006
I supose it was bound to happen...

Needless to say we've had much discussion about it since then, and I just couldn't bring myself to eat it, I mean how do you sit there munching on a chocolate torture device, or worse still, a chocolate means of sacrifice by your Savior? I'm sure Chad was enjoying watching me struggle between my love for chocolate and my overopinionated opinion on the "special treat".
Well tonight I gave in. I admit it. I ate it. It's true. I have no morals. I must admit it was one of the best bits of milk chocolate I've had in awhile. Quality chocolate, at least.....I just can't wait to send our kids to Sunday school ranting about how immoral and pagan the Easter bunny is as they munch on chocolate crosses.
wow, another rainy day
Today has actually been quite nice. Although I have showered (I laid in bed until noon today) I've been just farting around in pj pants and t-shirts. Chad & I are watching the two X-Men movies. I haven't seen them before and Chad thought that was just terrible. He wants to go see the new one when it comes out so and insisted I see the others first. Not bad. We watched the first one around noon, then I took an afternoon nap (ahhhhhhh) and we're making some supper here in a min and then we'll watch the other one.
I also hope to rearrange the living room tonight, finish the laundry, check on my lessons for this upcoming week of supply and maybe if there is some extra time start one of my new books. Ahhhhh, I love lazy days. Enjoy yours! Hope it's been your "sacred cow day" too!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
UNB Graduation Bachelor of Education

Wednesday, May 18th, 2006 the day dawns cloudy and threatening rain, I'm not very pleased about that. It's the UNB graduation I decide to attend and it's rainy and gross, we don't get to march up the hill in the traditional march, the threat of rain is too much, part of me wouldn't mind getting wet, it's my graduation! But that's ok I guess.
I started the morning finishing up some laundry, cleaning the bathroom, scrubbing the floors and making sure the place was clean and friendly for my family who were coming over after the gradution ceremony. I was excited to have them up to my home again, they don't get up here all that often.
At lunch Chad came home with a Big Xtra Combo from McDonalds for me, yummy, I don't eat McD's very often, it's terrible for you! but it was a nice and quick way to start off the celebrations, I also made time to do a french manicure on my fingers and toes which is always a nice touch.
We arrived on time to the school, but I was getting a little panicky that I was running late so I hurried off to the South gym where we lined up, only to have to head back as I'd lost my tassel somewhere along the way. I ran into my family who were also arriving for the ceremony and Mom gave me some beautiful flowers, but I didn't really get to appreciate them until later because of all the stress about loosing my tassel. Finally, I found it on the ground in between some cars and was able to go get lined up.
More important to me than the boring ceremony, was seeing the pride on my family's faces and having them share in the day with me as they've watched me struggle and chase this dream for so long.

walking in, poor Sarah beside me was so excited but couldn't figure out who the guy was taking the tons of pictures and following our every move. I filled her in that it was my husband and she thought it was soooo cute...until later in the ceremony when she was still being photographed alongside of me!
Saturday, May 20, 2006

shaking the UNB President's hand. He commented on the loud commotion (my family screaming at the top of their lungs) accompanying my name being read for my degree. Did you know that protocol says you have to shake his hand and wait for him to tap you with his cap that he holds in his hand before you can nod to the Governer General sitting on his throne and flip your tassel before you walk down the stairs and recieve your diploma? That's a lot to remember! I got the shaking, waiting for the Presidential smack and the nod down, but I couldn't get my tassel to flip so I had to give up on it until I got back to my seat.

I really liked our valedictorian's address. Honestly, I can't remember much of it, but she did quote from Emmerson on success, and although I'm sure I'd heard it before it really had me do some reflection on how I was measuring up (to this poem anyway) so far in life. I'd like to look back on it and reflect again so I thought I'd also post it here.
To laugh often and much;
to win the respect of intelligent people
and the affection of children;
to earn the appreciation of honest critics
and endure the betrayal of false friends;
to appreciate beauty;
to find the best in others;
to leave the world a bit better,
whether by a healthy child,
a garden patch
or a redeemed social condition;
to know even one life has breathed easier
because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.

I love this pic! This is my friend Kari, also graduation from Education, and her two beautiful and spunky (as you can see) daughters Erin & Emma. I have been able to get to know Erin & Emma these last two years, through stories their Mom is always telling me at school, and by teaching them piano. No attitude in this pic eh?

I am a lucky girl. Chad was so excited for me, taking pictures like a pro, making sure I would have pictures of the big day. I couldn't believe all the work he put into making sure I would be happy, having my family all get together to celebrate with me, bbqing like crazy... etc. He is a great man and husband, I am a lucky girl.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Huge Sat.!
I found two cute little dresses for the neices which I couldn't pass up (one was pink with watermellons, the other blue with yellow melons), then we went to Growers Direct to pick up the Mothers Day roses (hilarious Chad & I and 6 buckets or roses stashed into the car-smelled pretty!) and drop them off at the church before going to Kents to check on stain for our deck. From there we headed to give Savanna her dress on the way home and I picked up more seeds from Gary for the garden (I'll never be able to plant them all!) We didn't stay long and headed off to Scotts Nursury where we picked up some more soil, a deck growing tomatoe plant for Chad and some clamatis for my archway. (Scott's is so much fun! and addictive-I wanna make pretty things grow, funny thing is Chad wants to make yummy things grow-I'm sure that suprises you!)
When we arrived home Chad began stripping the deck with some sort of deck cleaning agent and a hose but the nosel was broken (nothing is ever as easy as it is supposed to be) so he headed back off to Kents while I worked on the front garden. He arrived back home only to find that one can of the cleaning agent wasn't enough and he had to go back to Kent's to get another bottle & the stain while I cleaned through the house, made beds and did laundry. Thankfully he brought pizza home for 8pm supper and from there we went out in the dark, sat on the lawn and at serious risk of being eaten alive by the swarms of misquitos, put together my arhway, unfortunatly we didn't get the clamatis in the ground (really hard to do in pitch dark!) We came in satisfied, and booked trip info-which got me so excited I had to stay up until 1:00am putting together a chart of where we would be staying, what hotspots I'd like to hit etc.-I know I'm sick!) I'd say we know how to go all out! Go over the top or go home right!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
The DaVinci Code

So I finished the highly publicized "The DaVinci Code" last night. Perhaps this shocks you, how could I, a pastor's wife and follower of Jesus, read "The DaVinci Code which claims Jesus as not divine, but a powerful human who married Mary Magdalene and has a bloodline alive to this day. First of all, I have an inquisitive mind, one that refuses to have someone else "tell me" what I can or cannot read or believe, I want to KNOW for myself, I want to SEE for myself, I want to DECIDE for myself. This was much the same in this case. I feel it a very unwise path to take to criticize something passionately without know what it is truly about. So I read it.
I must say I absolutely love it, as a piece of fiction. It is an excellent read, intellectually stimulating (makes you think), a great mystery novel, suprising you throughout, a page turner, keeping you on your toes, well told. I would highly recommend it if you enjoy a good mystery, I will probably read it again sometime.
Having said all of that, things start to get wonky for Brown in Chapter 55. Up to that point I was a very satisfied reader, kept on my toes, thrilled with the mystery and excellence with which Brown was telling his story. Then Chapter 55 happens, smack in the middle Brown gets an agenda, and it is so unfortunately obvious! The story telling stops and Brown starts (and I'd say carelessly) throwing his religious agenda at the reader. One of the main characters, Sophie, goes from smart and brainy cryptographyologist, cunning, cleaver and a leader intellectually, to Brown's stunned puppet, played and dancing about the issues Brown wishes to endoctrinate his reader. She begins to make quick, obvious, leading questions, simple, direct, nearly sounding brainwashed, and immediately accepting all that Brown wishes his audience will accept as well-it's just so obvious. From the perspective of someone who loves Fiction, I found this so disappointing and not true to the character of Sophie.
Perhaps, for someone who had absolutely no introduction in Early Church History, or someone who is already looking for a reason not to believe in Jesus Christ as Divine and to further defame the Christian Church (and lets face it, they've done enough injustice over the centuries without people trying to help them out) it would be easy to believe the statements Brown throws around so carelessly in the chapters surrounding 55. For myself, red flags began to go up in my mind, as the little I know of Early Church History resurfaced and it became obvious how careless Brown had been. For me, I had hoped for all the controversy he would have done a better job at presenting his "facts". I myself intend to do a little research and brush up on some of the inaccuracies he portrayed and the questions they raised for me. And this, is why I would recommend the book to Christians and non-Christians alike. Sit down to a good read (there are only a couple really dumb, agenda-laden chapters and then we're back to great storytelling), and then be challenged to rework your Faith, or lack there of. Dig around, get the facts, and make an informed decision on Jesus, the Early Church etc.
Chad has a leg up in this area having studied Early Church History at Fuller quite extensively. He begins a two part series next week, exposing some of the inaccuracies Brown puts out there in "The DaVinci Code", I will be sure to update what I take from him, here as well. But until then, (and yes we will be there at the movie premier on the 19th-and I will admit I am excited to see it) I plan to revisit some of the following in my own study:
Do Nothing Day
Tuesday, May 09, 2006

May 8, 2006 @ 2pm: A beautiful HOT and SUNNY day to celebrate convocation, Chad, Amy, Meghan and myself got ourselves together to go sit under the rays and watch Jackie recieve her diploma. A little long, I must admit, it was such a thrill to see her graduate and close the door to this chapter in her life. Cudo's (however you spell that) for going back to school, beating the odds and chasing her dreams!
Farewell Krista

Unfortunalty for us, good friend Krista (White, he!he!) is moving to NFLD next week. Having just finished her law degree at UNB she is moving to St. John's to do her articling and marry her finance Jadon. She is such a riot! I will miss her greatly! It has been great getting to know her and I can't wait for she & Jadon to finish up school on the island and move back to town. Some of us got together Friday night at McGinnis Landing for desserts and a farewell.