Sunday, December 03, 2006

December THREE!

So it's the third of December already! Hard to believe! Chad woke me at 7:30, as is our custom on Sunday mornings when I don't have to be to choir practice and early service, and I drove him in, but not before he met me in the doorway with today's advent present--stamps to mail our cards!,

Then I came home for a quiet and slower paced morning of getting ready. I must admit I really enjoy that, I hate rushing in the morning, but more than the dislike of rushing is the dislike of getting out of bed! Usually I've been up too long by the time I drive Chad in to work, and I get back home, to go back to bed when I get back home, so today I made myself some toast with raspberry jam, and some tea and watched Coronation Street---I admit it I love the British soaps--I can't help myself, it's a vice. I mean I don't go out of my way to watch it, usually I'm at church, but those mornings when I get the chance, it's one of the things that linger from my non-church days. Anyway, I got myself ready for the second service and went in.

Following service Chad and I came home for a yummy salad with chicken and rasins and sunflower seeds and cheese, I'm telling you it was THE salad!

Evening service approached and tonight was the kids Christmas production. Our SS KIDS Theatre, is a new ministry in our church this fall and Melanie Murray and her crew did a fabulous job tonight! Every Sunday evening, during the regular evening service this group gets together with the kids ages 3 through grade 5 to work on drama, dance and choral--and wow have they been working hard! What a show! Hats off to them!

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