Chad and I had the opportunity of viewing The Nativity Story thursday morning at the theatres before it comes December 1st, and I must say I would recommend you go see it. It is well done. Of course there are moments where you want a little more creativity, stepping away from the text a bit more, adding some creative license, but overall it is well done and something worth seeing.
It is also another movie, like the Passion of the Christ, and the Chronicles of Narnia where we are given a rare opportunity in movie going history. Besides some films made in the 50's relating to Bible stories and such, this offers those of us who believe, more movie going opportunities, to see some creative interpretation of stories we cherish. There is also a significant bit of historical context that we might not otherwise consider when reading, hearing , or experiencing the Nativity Story at Christmas for another year. This alone is enough of a reason to get off of our butts and out to see the movie, supporting more of this type of thing in the future.
It will be interesting to see what non-believing people have to say about such a fantasitical story, a virgin giving birth to God. I certainly would be interested to take some of my friends out to it and have a discussion afterwards.
More than anything, the message that Jesus came to earth for the lowest of people and the highest of people resounds through the movie and is a message of hope for all at Christmas, one of the most difficult seasons for many.
The soundtrack sounds awesome and I look forward to getting my hands on a copy of it.
Go see it! and bring a friend! I was shocked last year during my internship as Christmas approached and the middle school students began discussing the Christmas story. Many of them did not know it all all, or peiced together bits and peices, some girl named Mary, got together with some guy named David and had baby Jesus. There is much confusion, don't take it for granted that people know!
1 comment:
I loved the Nativity Story, it was a really well done story and gave Joseph some much needed recognition.
Go see it!
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