Well, last night Chad & I went on a very fun Date night. Generally we have made it practice to go on a date night every Friday night. Time we spend just the two of us, doing things the two of us love to do together. It is good practice but we've had a really difficult time doing it, well really, since last Easter. Easter always throws things off with preparations for our Easter production at church, and it's hard to get back on track for anything before summer. Then when summer hits, well it's summer, and everything is all esque. Then Septmber happens, and frankly it's is September! Things are all up in the air with new programs, new schedules AND it's NOT summer! THe first couple weeks of September happend and then stuff just kept crawling up on Friday nights and our date nights got pushed to the side.
All of that to say, last night we went out on a great Date Night! We started, Chad leaving a tad earlier from work and headed off to Houlton to pay on the US student loan. As little fun as paying off debt is, Chad & I generally always enjoy the trip to Houlton, a time to talk and catch up and then check out cool deals at Marden's, cheap gas, and other cool stuff at the grocery store like cheap Turkey's and Walmart that they only have in the US of A. Often we will stop at the best Pizza Hut ever (beside Marden's) and splurge on their jukebox and eat yummy pizza with chunky chicken and veggies, but this time we just went to pay the debt and then headed over to Marden's.
Marden's was great this time around. Sometimes there is absolutly nothing but junk, but other times the saying is true, and we have said it several times "you should have bought it, when you saw it at Mardens!" When we walked in the door they had the nicest Christmas boxes and I just got so excited, buying two for special Christmas gifts. Wow, they will look great under those peoples Christmas trees! We picked up a few other Christmasy things and headed off to Walmart, where we got a couple of things, got a doughnut and some gas and headed back to Freddy town. I think, this just goes to prove again, we are easily amuzed.
Well if this wasn't enough, we then went to Regent Mall for Manchu Wok supper and a bit more Christmas shopping before going to a movie. You see, we had to buy film the other day and if you didn't know this already, when you buy film at Walmart you get coupons for free movies at the theatres. So we had two free tickets and decided to go see the new Will Ferrell movie "Stranger than Fiction" I must tell you, if you haven't gone, or don't plan to DO! It is great. Of course the adds on t.v make it out to be this huge comedy and frankly it wasn't hugely funny, but had a bit more of a thinking edge to it. So abandon any preconcieved ideas and head off to see this movie. I must admit it was great, especially for me this month as I'm endeavoring to push out this novel. Did I mention I'm over 27,000 words! yeah me!
So we got home around 12:30, after running to Sobeys to quench a Diet Coke urge (I know, I'm a walking comercial) and I walked in the doors of home, and no I wasn't called to the wonderful world of dreams, but instead, the Housework had my name all over it. So I tackled it--head on. For 2 hours. And at 2:30am I crawled into bed, satisfied. I am strange. I admit it. Never denied it.
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