Hence the bunny! Oh the bunny was hilarious! Angela and I made Chad go into the Elgin store to get some candy to decorate with, I had brought along two cake mixes, a French Vanilla and a Chocolate, Chocolate icing and Vanilla....but we didn't know if one mix would be enough so we decided to make them both (4 cakes!) then when we get ready to bake we find out Mom only has heart shaped cookie pans. Crazy girls!
While Katilyn was sleeping we attempted to put together (cut out a cake). Chad returns with candy, a licoracie pipe to cut off the end for a cute little nose...well we dicided to use other candy for that....so that meant bunny smoked a pipe. Then we thought little marshmellows would

Then Chad fires up the bbq for chicken, but he left the skin on it and we had FIRE! :) Charring the chicken of course is a gormet chef's special touch so it was great! he pulled it off the bbq after achieving the blackened crisp and cooked the rest in the oven. I'd say the day was a hit though!
Beautiful pictures and quite the bunny. Very creative. But just let me know when Jill has the BBq if Chad is one of the chefs. I may need to bring alternate choices. Must be a man thing, isn't a BBQ without flames. Go figure. I hope you were as blessed by the conference as I was. God knew that if I did't have a firm commitment to a place to move to that I would have got nothing from the conference, thus the 9 pm call telling us we had a place to move. From the first note to the last word I was on a roller coaster of emotions. What a blessing! Thank you Lord Jesus for Your love and understanding and for those you have placed in my life. And you and Chad are two people that He has placed in my life that I and Darrell are so thankful for. May God Bless your every need.
so excited for you guys moving! God is truly great! The Woman Who Worship conference was great! and the speakers were awesome! Glad you were open to God's leading too.
oh and Sharon! you're safe this time with Chad's bbqing, unfortunatly we won't be able to attend the choir party because we have a wedding that day. Hopefully you will be able to enjoy Chad's good cooking sometime though, it really is great most of the time.
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