As Easter 2006 at Smythe Street Cathedral draws to a close, I like many am filled with conflicting emotions. There is the relief, that yes, the crazy number of production practices have come to a close, that I might actually go to bed with my husband again for the first time in weeks, that I won't have to drop by the church to say hello to him, that I won't have to sneak a moment with him somewhere in front of church members... And yet, there is disappointment, realizing that these relationships that have grown a little deeper this Easter season simply because we were forced together for practices, likely will wait another year, for next years Easter production to get a little deeper.
I am challenged to be more consciencious to people's needs and how I might encourage them throughout the year. So often I find it so easy to retreat in my own self consciousness. I need to be bold and courageous, caring less about what I think people think of me and stepping out in who I know God has made me to be!

After the final production the cast went out to the Jubilee for a cast party and buffet! Just a couple final hours left together before routine sets in again.
Check out Chad's super cool Ugandan Shirt he wears festivly every Easter!
Hi Heidi and Chad
I know what you mean about when it is "all over" Its like withdrawls from some intoxicating form that has us so up or high if you wish and then the let down. If we would only hold on to the feelings we have during this busy and exhilarating time for the whole year. I'm glad that you two can now have some "you" time. Enjoy it, Easter 2007 is just around the corner.
Love ya's and God Bless
Sharon Mitchell-Fullarton
how true Sharon! Easter '07 will be here before we know it! Although Easter is intoxicating in a sense, I am glad it slows down. I know what you mean about being so passionate for God and seeing Jesus' work go forward during this time though...if only we could keep that up all year long! Thanks for reading the blog!
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