Many more updates will be coming from me, but here is a start. Some of you have asked, first where Haiti is (see left) in relation to New Brunswick and second where exactly Cobocol is in Haiti, as it does not appear on Google Maps etc. Here are a couple of maps helping you better locate where I will be.
We will be leaving January 12th and flying into the Capital of Haiti, Port-au-Prince, and then travelling 6 hours on the ground from there to Hinche, the community nearest the ADP (area development project).

We will stay for a the better part of a week, learning about the Community and their needs, resources, expertise and seeing how the projects are developing and hopefully gaining a sense or initial relationship and knowledge about how we might be best able to help this community become self sufficient. There are 19 communities within this one ADP.
I have specific interests in areas of mother/baby care (nutrition etc.) as well as education. I know that I can't possibly prepare myself for the change this is going to bring about in me, for the shock this is going to be to my Northern American perspective but I can honestly say I am so hungry for the reality check and hopefully a renewed and fervent desire to make a tangible difference.
I am very blessed, your work in Haiti is going forward...according to His will. Like my Haitian brother would say ...if it's the Lord's vision..He will bring the provision...Will keep you in prayer,
Hi, Our family sponsors a 10 year old little girl in Cobocol Haiti - through World Vision. Her name is Ketteline Desir. When we heard of the earthquake, we googled Cobocol and your web page came up. Seeing that you were planning to arrive in Haiti, on the day of the disaster, we began to pray that you would be alright. I would be interested to know whatever intelligence you can pass along concerning the effect of the earthquake in that area and the project you have begun. The Lord bless and keep you.
Donald Hammersmark, on behalf of the family
Marianne, may God Bless and keep you. I hope you are safe given all that has happened in Haiti over the last few days. Like Donald, my business associate sponsors a little girl in Cobocol by the name of Berlanda Joseph. We are praying for her safety as we are for all the people in Haiti. If you have any access to information about Berlanda we would appreciate knowing. Again, God Bless and keep you. You will be in my prayers.
Sorry Heidi. I got your name wrong. I read the quote at the top of your page. Blessings
Hi Heidi
I pray that you are safe. I just found your page today on Jan.16th as I was on Google to find Cobocol's location in Haiti. Our sponsor girl Dayanne is there.
I will keep checking your page for word about your trip.
May God bless you and your family and your service to Haiti.
Hi Heidi, My family sponsors a 6 year old little girl in Cobocol Haiti- though World Vision. Her name is Jean Glaphira Orzil Her ID is ID is 174929-4080. our prayers for your safety will be with you. God bless you as you do the lords work in Cobocol. if you are able, We would appreciate any information you could pass on regard the effect earthquake has had on the Cobocol area. May God bless you and keep you safe.David Chesworth and Family
Thank you for your prayers we could feel them in a nearly tangible way. I am happy to be sitting home safe and sound in my rocking chair in my living room tonight, although torn with the reality of having been able to get out of Haiti for safety. My heart breaks for the Haitians, their situation is dire.
As for Cobocol, we didn't actually make it there. We were to spend the night in Port-au-Prince, travelling the next day to Hinche and then on to Cobocol the following day. The earthquake seriously alltered our plans and we were never able to leave the city itself. I have heard however, that Cobocol was not affected by the earthquake as they are located in the central plateau. From what I understand, the children and workers are all well. I too have a sponsor child in Cobocol and was looking forward to meeting her, but for whatever reason, it was not to happen this time.
Our project is an intiaitive in the beginning stages in Fredericton to join the Fredericton community with Cobocol, building relaitonship and aiding them to become self sustaining. This visit was basically one that was to help us become informed as to how an ADP operates etc. so we could report back to the Fredericton community. Unfortunatly that wasn't the case.
The project, however, will certainly be moving forward and I hope you come back to my site to learn more about it in the weeks ahead.
God bless you for being a sponsor family and supporting the work of World Vision.
Hello Heidi,
Its unfortunate you were unable to get there, but based on what is happening in Haiti now its probably all for the best.
I found your blog by pure chance, as our family also has adopted a young lady from Cobocol. Actually we had a little girl in Africa, but her family left the prgram (not sure if she died or not, the did not tell us) and we were given Dachelove.
If you do get a chance to go back let us know.
Mark (A fellow Canadian and donor)
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