Friday, September 14, 2007

Prenatal #2

Last night we had our 2nd Prenatal visit. This week we learned about different pain medication available during labour and C-births. All I can say is I really don't want one, but I knew that before the class. I was really suprised when we were learning about the different medications that an Epideral is actually the best pain relief option in regards to safety to the baby and relief. I was suprised. For some reason I always thought pain relief yes, but it must be bad for the baby. But compared to fentenal and demoral it's actually better because it's not a narcotic. The laughing gas is of course an option, and you can self minister it as you need it in small doses and it doesn't do any harm to the baby either. Our nurse WAS quick to point out that the nurses will be monitoring all the doses of narcotics and if need be they have a medication they can give the baby when it is born that will quickly reverse any effects of the narcotics on the baby.

We also saw the instrument they use to induce labour. Lets just say our! that looked nasty! basically it looks the equivilent of a long sewing needle! and then she told us about "scrapping the membranes", 'cuse that sounds nice! Or sometimes you can go in and the doctor will give you medication and try to turn the baby, when she mentioned medication I immediatly got the worst possible image in my mind of a doctor going up inside of you and trying to turn the baby. She quickly laughed (as did everyone else) and assured me that if they try and turn the baby it is from the outside! that was scary for a minute!

All in all a helpful, information wise, evening, especially the stuff about the different pain medication. I still have to wonder on the drive home though it it wouldn't be easier to just not know....which is funny for me because I usually like to have all the inside information....I continue to have myself psyched that I can totally do this thing! Last night I had a dream that we had the most adorable little boy, with these thin little elf ears! :) I'm so anxious to meet this little person...who is Baby Billington?

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