Lets just say that the first coat was horrific! I wanted to cry! The greyish colour underneath was coming through and Chad & I both realized just the extent of novices we really were at painting. I called Mom before the second coat went on, looking for moral support. Of course she gave it to us, telling us it would look much better with a second coat. Still we were skeptical. The second coat did look a lot better, but wow was it bright! it actually reminded me of a cool lemonade colour...and I still wondered if I would be able to bring the baby home to THAT! Poor poor baby. We thought maybe a few days would help it wear on us. Not so. Everytime we walked down the hallway it was like a slap in the face! Keeping in mind the rest of our house is done in earth tones you'll understand a bit of how crazy bright this was.
Well we decided to try to warm it up. I still wanted yellow, but not that cold bright yellow!-- yikes! So last night Chad & Doug (have I mentioned yet Doug is home from Europe? It is always great to have him around to help me tease Chad, he's here for a visit and to celebrate Savanna's 2nd birthday) tackled the baby's room with yellow colour #2. I was so thankful I didn't have to swallow fumes for hours this time around, and they had picked up another roller so things went a lot faster! The boys saved the day and Baby Billington is certainly indebted to them forever for not having to come home to THAT! It is still yellow, but much better. I'm so excited to get some furniture in there, and the boarder up! the Process begins! as much as I don't like process.
Someone asked me Sunday night what I thought of pregnancy, and as is characteristic of me, I decided to be candid about the situation. Pregnancy has it's cool moments for sure, but on the whole, I've got to say I don't really have much time for it. I mean all the aches and pains, the nauseousness, swelling, headaches and other unmentionables... but more than anything for me it is that cursed word "process". I'm kind of a jump in with both feet kind of girl, not too into waiting around for things to happen, or long transition times and guess what? Pregnancy is a LONG TRANSITION TIME! I'm sure in the end it's all going to seem totally worth it, I'm excited about getting to know Baby Billington, this little person who's bound to be so cool....I'm just impatient I guess. So the grand synopsis for me is generally that pregnancy means process, and for this Heidi-girl, process is hard to do well!
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