Sunday, June 10, 2007

Angela's Wedding

Angela is now a married woman! Although tired and sore in many places I am also so happy. Angela and Adam were married yesturday and what a beautiful wedding it was! There is so much I could say, but I am still so tired and not even really sure where to start. Angela was definitly the most beautiful bride, just radiating smiles. I know people always say this, but there was something so special and glowing about her. Adam too, was so happy, smiling and adoring Angela. He seemed stunned at her beauty and even overwhellemed at what they were committing to each other, but as the Pastor even said of both of them in the cermony several times they were both "so ready".

Saturday morning went relitivly well. None of us slept as late as we could have, all of us a little anxious to get the day started I guess. We were staying with Nanny & Grampy in town and Nanny had made us all a huge breakfast of juices, coffee, tea, milk, breakfast casserolle, some sort of maple toast casserolle thing...we were not walking away from there hungry!

Chad (the photographer and my husband) headed off to meet up with Adam for some early morning photo's and Angela, April & I headed off to get our hair done for a couple of hours. I always love this, having someone else do my hair! Angela's looked so sweet and I think we were generally all pleased. I took so long of course, as the hair dresser said "you have so much hair!" it amused her to find out I had had none for so many of my first years.

We arrived back at Nanny's around 11:30 to finish getting ready and Nanny (of course) had a pile of lunch sandwiches, cookies etc. for us to eat. Mom, Dad & Kaitlyn, Trevor and Chad had also returned so it was a full house! We ate up and then all started getting ready. Unfortuntly for me the new bra I bought with 4 different ways of using the straps was not working for this dress at all, in any of the strap positions! So Trevor (great brother-in law that he is) actually drove off to walmart to get me transparent straps just a half hour before it was time to go (did you know that was even possible! I certainly didn't) Besides that, things were running close to on time and April was highly amuzed that we had both bought the same black shoes without knowing it to match our dresses, and similar eye make up. Angela gave us both the cutest "bow" necklaces and earings, for standing up with her as she "tied the knot".

We arrived at the church about 10 minutes late (which really isn't bad at all, you have to keep the groom waiting a little while). But Kaitlyn was not in proper sorts (and likely way way over tired). She was quite cranky and wanted to walk down the aisle with Mom (Grammie to her), but then changed her mind. It didn't look like she would walk down with me (she just wanted Grampy) until the last minute when she grabbed my hand and started yanking. The pastor was trying to hold me off until the music started and I should have just taken Kaitlyn and started but I waited. The grand organ started and scared Kaityn to death and she started howling and only wanted Grampy, so much for that, she was not coming with me. I went down to the beautiful organ music and Kaitlyn's howls, then April followed and there was no way Kaitlyn was coming with her either, then Mom started back up the aisle a bit and Kaitlyn saw her, and howling she ran down the aisle for Grammie. Not ideal perhaps, but she got down there and Dad walked the beautiful Angela down to Adam. It was a beautiful cermoney (especially after Kaitlyn calmed down and began playing around the altar).

Then we took off for pictures. I'm excited to see them. Chad was doing their pictures and I think he did a fabulous job. When he gets home from church today he's going to unload the memory cards and we'll see what we have, but he definitly got some good stuff. It was such a treat to just watch Angela & Adam together, especially after everyone else left and Chad was just taking pictures of them. Really it is such an intimate moment (one of the most intimate that anyone else gets to see) and Chad just got to nearly pretend he wasn't there in some cases and just take lovely pictures. It also gave us a bit of time with them alone which was special.

Then to the reception for lovely food and some laughs at Fishermans Paradise. I had never eaten there before but it was great! I had the Steak dinner, wow it was nice and the soup and salad beforehand was amazing. There was Cheesecake for dessert with coffee but Nanny had made Angela's cake and it was far better. What a load of beautiful work Nanny did! Adam passed around the most unique Hershey's chocolate bars, that said HereTheyAre and their names on the front. Then on the back the ingrediants list was all percentages of love, laughter etc. Even the barcode on the back was their wedding date--- too cute! April & I did a combo speach thing with funny Angela stories and welcoming Adam to the family which was fun! April, I think should take up a job as Mediator or Contract Negotiator, you should have seen her trying to get everyone but herself up there telling stories about Angela! Soon enough we decorated the car with lilacs and toole and they were heading off for a few last pictures with Chad out with the sunset and river-- totally gorgeous! And the last Carson girl is married off, and very happy!

Tired, but happy Chad and I headed off to Nanny's where I got into my pj's for the drive home. I realized that there is a different tired when you're pregnant and lugging a nearly 5 month baby in belly around with you all day at a wedding, up early, down late. As I crawled out of the car into Nanny's to get into my pj's my body nearly spoke out loud to me with a "we're done", more of a statement less of a question! LOL! It was neat because although Chad was taking pictures for Angela & Adam he was showing me love by doing so. I was so proud of him, and so filled with love! Of course he is also amazing at what he does, he has a real talent for it, and I love to see him doing something he loves, even if he was exhausted and then had to head off to church early this morning.

A beautiful end to a beautiful day.... me snoring in and out of sleep on the drive home.

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