I haven't written in a bit, not because things haven't been happening, I've just been tired I guess. Tonight I went to a lecture at STU on the genocide happening at this moment in Darfur, Africa. What I knew before tonight was very limited, now I feel I have a better understanding of what is going on.
Without going into all of it here, I must tell you about two things that really struck me tonight. The first was a quote by Martin Luther King: "We will have to repent in this generation; not merely for the hateful words and actions of bad people, but for the appalling silence of good people." I feel this is particularly so amongst many Christians, myself included, when it comes to international awareness, for instance with the genocide in Darfur, or the huge AIDS epidemic in Southern Africa. Both are displacing thousands, killing thousands, widowing and orphaning thousands. In my opinion, these are areas that should be lead by Christian awareness, relief, and action organizations. There are Christians doing this, for instance Jim Cantalon http://www.visionledd.com/ and http://wowmission.com/ and Bono from U2 http://www.one.org/. There is also The Micah Challenge http://www.micahchallenge.ca/ and other organizations that are realizing the need to speak up and do something.
The second thing was an interview tonight of a young woman in a refugee camp in Darfur, she was describing the attack on her village, murder of her family, rape of her sisters, and fleeing her home. She sat clutching her legs tightly to her chest and said “We have nothing but God and empty hands.” She held her slender hands open to the camera. She had nothing left, only a tiny bit of hope, “Ishallah” they say, meaning “if God wishes”, their situations might change.
Their situations MUST change and therefore WE must become aware of what is happening in the world around us and take responsibility! We cannot sit around, so innerly focused we neglect the reality of others situations. When genocide and epidemics of massive proportions are within our reach, we need to hear their cries, we must do something. I firmly believe, not to get all spiritual on you or anything, that Jesus would be found in these places, were he here on this earth today. He would be with the homeless, the widow, the orphan, he would be offering hope, life, healing. Shouldn’t we be there as well?
What CAN we do?
Talk about it. This is so huge I think. Unless we talk about it, we can exist without it affecting our lives. Talk about it.
Show support for these people. Write letters to the Prime Minster, MP, call, visit them and share your concern. They told us tonight that it is less the quality and more the quantity that gets government talking and moving in these instances.
If this stuff gets at you as much as it does me, if you too feel helpless, but willing and wanting to help you can also check out these links that I was introduced to tonight, and I’d love for you to contact me so we could talk.
Be aware! Speak up!
Set free those who are held by chains without any reason. Untie the ropes that hold people as slaves. Set free those who are crushed. Break every evil chain. Share your food with hungry people. Provide homeless people with a place to stay. Give naked people clothes to wear. Provide for the needs of your own family... Get rid of the chains you use to hold others down. Stop pointing your finger at others as if they had done something wrong. Stop saying harmful things about them. Work hard to feed hungry people. Satisfy the needs of those who are crushed... Isaiah 58:6-12 (NIRV)
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Sunday, January 21, 2007
THEE Dress
Saturday Chad & I drove down to Sussex to meet up with Angela to do some wedding dress shopping and check out bridesmaids dresses. They have the cutest bridal boutique there,with some beautiful dresses. Angela looked beautiful in many of them and had her choice of a lot of them. But it was so obvious, isn't it often the case? when she stepped into THEE dress, it was just different. This one was made for her and fit her perfectly. It is elegant and beautiful and that's all I can possibly say about it before the wedding.
More than anything it was such a special time with Angela. It's not often I get time along with her and this is such a happy time for her and Adam. I wish you could see her face glow! I am so thankful to be a part of her day, and to have been able to be a part of that moment. She looks so beautiful in it! She will be a gorgeous bride, no question.
More than anything it was such a special time with Angela. It's not often I get time along with her and this is such a happy time for her and Adam. I wish you could see her face glow! I am so thankful to be a part of her day, and to have been able to be a part of that moment. She looks so beautiful in it! She will be a gorgeous bride, no question.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Our Christmas Morning
My favorite part of the day, regardless of the early moring look on my face. Chad on the other hand, as you can see, had been raring to go for quite awhile before I dragged my sorry butt out of bed. Here he is in his t-shirt from my sister & brother in law. Of course he loves it. "Silly Rabbit, trix are for kids!"
My Birthday

Monday, January 08, 2007
A Snow Globe morning and a blister
It was snow! I woke up this morning to beautiful fluffy snow! Merry Christmas! a couple of weeks late, but it was pretty. I tore Chad away from the blasted Lego Star Wars and we went for a treck in the snow. I love it when the snow falls all fluffy like that, it makes me think I'm in a snowglobe, like when I was a little girl, imagining worlds away in those little globes.
Needless to say it didn't last, the rain it came and the snow turned to slush, heavy wet slush, hopefully it won't turn cold tonight and turn to ice for tomorrow.
Other than the snow globe walk that resulted in a nasty blister on my left hand foot due to boots that don't fit, the rest of the day was uneventful. I did get some reading in and a nice long bath, how I love a nice long bath. My fingers wrinkled from the water, my feet newly exfoliated thanks to Chad and my Christmas stocking, we had a simple supper and headed in to the Mall after supper. Chad dreamed a little dream of digital camera and I leafed through wedding magazines on my sister's behalf.
It was neat, I ran into a guy I went to school with, Kindergarten through grade twelve, I didn't even know he was in the city. Anyway we did a bit of catch up and conversation came around to occupation and then family. He asked me if I had family, I knew he meant was I married. I told him I'd gotten married a year and a half ago. Naturally we got around to him and he told me he'd done the dating thing but it didn't work out for him and it got me thinking about a conversation Chad & I had the other night about the good guys. This guy, he's a good guy. You can tell that even today, that good guy part of him is still there. He's good looking, well built, intelligent but a good guy and I don't get the impression he wants ultimatly, to be single, yet he is, because he's the good guy. Oh why, girls, don't we see the goldmine in that good guy?
Needless to say it didn't last, the rain it came and the snow turned to slush, heavy wet slush, hopefully it won't turn cold tonight and turn to ice for tomorrow.
Other than the snow globe walk that resulted in a nasty blister on my left hand foot due to boots that don't fit, the rest of the day was uneventful. I did get some reading in and a nice long bath, how I love a nice long bath. My fingers wrinkled from the water, my feet newly exfoliated thanks to Chad and my Christmas stocking, we had a simple supper and headed in to the Mall after supper. Chad dreamed a little dream of digital camera and I leafed through wedding magazines on my sister's behalf.
It was neat, I ran into a guy I went to school with, Kindergarten through grade twelve, I didn't even know he was in the city. Anyway we did a bit of catch up and conversation came around to occupation and then family. He asked me if I had family, I knew he meant was I married. I told him I'd gotten married a year and a half ago. Naturally we got around to him and he told me he'd done the dating thing but it didn't work out for him and it got me thinking about a conversation Chad & I had the other night about the good guys. This guy, he's a good guy. You can tell that even today, that good guy part of him is still there. He's good looking, well built, intelligent but a good guy and I don't get the impression he wants ultimatly, to be single, yet he is, because he's the good guy. Oh why, girls, don't we see the goldmine in that good guy?
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Recapping the Canvass for 2006
Chad gave an interesting thought or two tonight at the prayer concert at church. He talked about 2006 being a canvass. He asked us if we were to paint our year what it would look like. I did some thinking about 2006, of course with the much of the rest of the world the New Year brought some contemplation on my part. I realized that 2006 had a lot of dark and lonely spots for me. I often felt like I was alone and unseen. Not that people didn’t see me, or weren’t watching me, but worse, that people were seeing me, but that I, the real me, was unseen. It was a really lonely year in many ways. I longed for someone to just sit with me and “see” me, but I didn’t know how to ask for it, or who to ask it from.
There were major moments of fear and concern when my niece Kaitlyn got so sick and was in the hospital for a few weeks. I had a new understanding of the heartache involved when a little one you love is so sick. My heart broke with fear and helplessness and she wasn’t even my daughter.
I felt fear when my sister Angela was in a terrible car crash and amazement when I realized how God had protected her, that her walking away from the scene was a miracle in itself. I realized in a new way how much I love my sisters and would do anything to help them and protect them.
I realized this year that more of me than I realized was wrapped up in my work defining who I am. Since I was 15 I’ve always been working a couple of jobs and studying and for the first time I was just waiting on a phone call for supply work. This was so remarkably hard on me, and surprised me immensely.
At the same time, there were many bright spots on my canvass. I finished school and graduated, which was a huge accomplishment, I had gone back and regardless of situation, persevered and finished my degree, making a dream reality. I flew for the first time, another dream come true, and dipped my toes in the Pacific which was very exciting! I had a couple really big “God moments” where I was given new understanding from God about how I was in His will, and He was taking even the mistakes of my life and turning them together for His plan for me. I completed my first attempt at a Novel, and got my first job as a teacher.
So what of 2007, what will that canvass look like? Honestly I am glad I don’t know, good and bad it is best to take things day at a time, often that is more than enough I have found. I hope to have a better and more secure feeling of self, I got a little lost last year and I found that really hard. I hope to strengthen and build my marriage with Chad, I long for some exciting adventures, and to spend time building deeper relationships with my family members and friends, making them more of a priority. But more than all of this I want to pursue more of God, more regular time with Him, listening and waiting and reading His word, and seeing him more in my everyday.
So 2007 here we go. May the love and power, strength and grace of God sustain us, build us, challenge and refresh us in this upcoming year.
There were major moments of fear and concern when my niece Kaitlyn got so sick and was in the hospital for a few weeks. I had a new understanding of the heartache involved when a little one you love is so sick. My heart broke with fear and helplessness and she wasn’t even my daughter.
I felt fear when my sister Angela was in a terrible car crash and amazement when I realized how God had protected her, that her walking away from the scene was a miracle in itself. I realized in a new way how much I love my sisters and would do anything to help them and protect them.
I realized this year that more of me than I realized was wrapped up in my work defining who I am. Since I was 15 I’ve always been working a couple of jobs and studying and for the first time I was just waiting on a phone call for supply work. This was so remarkably hard on me, and surprised me immensely.
At the same time, there were many bright spots on my canvass. I finished school and graduated, which was a huge accomplishment, I had gone back and regardless of situation, persevered and finished my degree, making a dream reality. I flew for the first time, another dream come true, and dipped my toes in the Pacific which was very exciting! I had a couple really big “God moments” where I was given new understanding from God about how I was in His will, and He was taking even the mistakes of my life and turning them together for His plan for me. I completed my first attempt at a Novel, and got my first job as a teacher.
So what of 2007, what will that canvass look like? Honestly I am glad I don’t know, good and bad it is best to take things day at a time, often that is more than enough I have found. I hope to have a better and more secure feeling of self, I got a little lost last year and I found that really hard. I hope to strengthen and build my marriage with Chad, I long for some exciting adventures, and to spend time building deeper relationships with my family members and friends, making them more of a priority. But more than all of this I want to pursue more of God, more regular time with Him, listening and waiting and reading His word, and seeing him more in my everyday.
So 2007 here we go. May the love and power, strength and grace of God sustain us, build us, challenge and refresh us in this upcoming year.
New Years was busy (LOL! What else is new) but good. New Years Eve we had the annual church potluck, which took on a different feel this year with kazoo’s and toilet paper models, so it was “SSC interesting”. More than that I was excited to get on the road for Elgin. Chad and I decided that since we didn’t get down to Elgin over Christmas because my family was all puking their guts out, we would try and make the trip for New Years before he had to head back to work. The roads were great and we were in Elgin by 10:30pm.
It was great playing with Kaitlyn, who was not very interested in going to bed. She showed me her presents under the tree and we had a blast playing with her. She’s such a doll. But the highlight of the night was when Angela came home. Adam had taken her out for a night on the town, a surprise, and we were all thrilled when they came home engaged!
Adam took Angela to the place of their first date and after a long walk in the cold proposed. I am so happy for them! I was so happy to be able to be part of the moment too! It was fun listening to Angela get excited about her new life with Adam and make plans! I will cherish the moment! Looks like a great start to 2007 and a wedding to look forward to in June!
It was great playing with Kaitlyn, who was not very interested in going to bed. She showed me her presents under the tree and we had a blast playing with her. She’s such a doll. But the highlight of the night was when Angela came home. Adam had taken her out for a night on the town, a surprise, and we were all thrilled when they came home engaged!
Adam took Angela to the place of their first date and after a long walk in the cold proposed. I am so happy for them! I was so happy to be able to be part of the moment too! It was fun listening to Angela get excited about her new life with Adam and make plans! I will cherish the moment! Looks like a great start to 2007 and a wedding to look forward to in June!
A Visit With The Hardings
Saturday came around quickly enough and Chad & I had the privilege of meeting up with ol’ friends Krista & Jadon Harding, home for a bit from NFLD. We had brunch at the Kozak’s and did a bit of catch up over waffles, blueberry sauce and bacon. It certainly wasn’t enough time, but it was better than nothing and great to see their smiling faces again. Good friends are hard to come by it seems.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
The Christmas Rundown
Christmas ’06 proved busy as usual with many events leading up to Christmas itself I found myself longing for a few days of quiet.
Christmas Eve was a full day. We had Sunday morning service, just one for some family time, and then I had a band practice for that night. At 2pm we headed home for a nap and to get ready for evening services practice at 4:30pm. This was the first year our church moved to 2 candlelight evening services. Of course there are always wrinkles that need to be ironed out after such a change, but for the most part things went really well. In the 6pm service we had 600+ people, and in the 8pm service there were over 300+ people. A full house and a much needed change. Chad and I were both really tired and hungry after services so we headed home around 9:30pm. At home we sat under the tree and munched on the best jalapeno cheese ball, crackers, sweets and eggnog until we were too tired to stay up much longer.
Christmas morning Chad was up early and showered, sitting on our bedroom floor on his laptop waiting for me to wake up. Christmas morning was undeniably my most favourite time this Christmas. Chad got the coffee started and we headed out for the tree. It was so fun opening our gifts together. Chad did a fabulous job getting me things I absolutely love! He is such a bargain hunter too! He loves the thrill of the hunt. I am a lucky gal. I’m quite excitable too. Some “Chad presents” that were highlights for me: my Willow Tree Nativity, a laminator for school, Adrienne Clarkson’s biography, and some fabulous shampoo, moisturizer, lotion and lovely girly stuff. Mom made us a beautiful quilt and it smells just like her. I love to cozy up in it and remember my mom like a little girl. Mom & Dad also got us this really cool serving platter that folds out from under itself. So cool. Anyway, Christmas morning was the best. Chad & I called my family in Moncton on speaker phone and listened to them open up our presents, it was great to be able to share that with them.
At noon we got ourselves cleaned up and out the door to Chad’s Grammie B’s. There we ate munchies and opened up gifts to and from each other. From there we moved over to Chad’s Aunt Susan’s for dinner. Here we had a massive spread of food and made sure all of us were busting at the seams. Around 5pm we headed to Sharon & Gary’s for more Christmas gift opening to and from each other. Around 8:30pm or so we headed to our home to crash for the rest of the night. What a full day.
Boxing day we were supposed to head down to Elgin to spend a couple of days with my family but we got a call Christmas Day night from them saying they were all sick with the flu. For the week everyone from my 1 ½ year old niece Kaitlyn to my Grampy who is 77 battled the flu. It was so bad my sister and her husband and my other sisters fiancĂ© had to leave my parents because there wasn’t enough bathroom time with their 2 bathrooms. I felt really bad for them, and a bit bad for myself, I wanted to spend a bit of time with them.
The upside for us was that no one knew we were in Fredericton, we were supposed to be in Elgin, so we spent a really quite pj day at home reading and having a lovely dinner together. The quite I had longed for.
Christmas Eve was a full day. We had Sunday morning service, just one for some family time, and then I had a band practice for that night. At 2pm we headed home for a nap and to get ready for evening services practice at 4:30pm. This was the first year our church moved to 2 candlelight evening services. Of course there are always wrinkles that need to be ironed out after such a change, but for the most part things went really well. In the 6pm service we had 600+ people, and in the 8pm service there were over 300+ people. A full house and a much needed change. Chad and I were both really tired and hungry after services so we headed home around 9:30pm. At home we sat under the tree and munched on the best jalapeno cheese ball, crackers, sweets and eggnog until we were too tired to stay up much longer.
Christmas morning Chad was up early and showered, sitting on our bedroom floor on his laptop waiting for me to wake up. Christmas morning was undeniably my most favourite time this Christmas. Chad got the coffee started and we headed out for the tree. It was so fun opening our gifts together. Chad did a fabulous job getting me things I absolutely love! He is such a bargain hunter too! He loves the thrill of the hunt. I am a lucky gal. I’m quite excitable too. Some “Chad presents” that were highlights for me: my Willow Tree Nativity, a laminator for school, Adrienne Clarkson’s biography, and some fabulous shampoo, moisturizer, lotion and lovely girly stuff. Mom made us a beautiful quilt and it smells just like her. I love to cozy up in it and remember my mom like a little girl. Mom & Dad also got us this really cool serving platter that folds out from under itself. So cool. Anyway, Christmas morning was the best. Chad & I called my family in Moncton on speaker phone and listened to them open up our presents, it was great to be able to share that with them.
At noon we got ourselves cleaned up and out the door to Chad’s Grammie B’s. There we ate munchies and opened up gifts to and from each other. From there we moved over to Chad’s Aunt Susan’s for dinner. Here we had a massive spread of food and made sure all of us were busting at the seams. Around 5pm we headed to Sharon & Gary’s for more Christmas gift opening to and from each other. Around 8:30pm or so we headed to our home to crash for the rest of the night. What a full day.
Boxing day we were supposed to head down to Elgin to spend a couple of days with my family but we got a call Christmas Day night from them saying they were all sick with the flu. For the week everyone from my 1 ½ year old niece Kaitlyn to my Grampy who is 77 battled the flu. It was so bad my sister and her husband and my other sisters fiancĂ© had to leave my parents because there wasn’t enough bathroom time with their 2 bathrooms. I felt really bad for them, and a bit bad for myself, I wanted to spend a bit of time with them.
The upside for us was that no one knew we were in Fredericton, we were supposed to be in Elgin, so we spent a really quite pj day at home reading and having a lovely dinner together. The quite I had longed for.
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