Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Busy days...

Ah, the busy days....

Wednesday Chad's Nannie from Bar Harbour arrived for a visit. It is always so much fun and such a pleasure to have her stay with us. I really enjoy having her around. She arrived for Savanna's 1st birthday party on Saturday.

Thursday evening I had a music practice for the HARVEST JAZZ & BLUES FESTIVAL yeah, the choir is singing!! (announcement to come), anyway but before that Chad & I went down to the bus station to pick up his brother Doug, who also was coming in for Savanna's birthday party. I really like Doug, he's a "real" guy, you know, the kind who know's how it is and doesn't pretend it's any different. hes fun, great conversationalist, smart thinker, and "easy" person to have stay in your house. So we acidentally got the times mixed up for when he was going to arrive so we just sat on the back of the car freezing our toesies off and hanging out.

Little side note here. There was this couple who arrived after we did and pulled in next to us. He got out and helped his wife get the walker out of the back for her. She sat down on the walker and waited. Meanwhile a young, voluptous woman in her early twenties came storming off and starting totally telling off her mother about some non-existant express, meanwhile we're left just staring beside her. I can't believe she's ripping into her mother like that (firstly), secondly she has absolutly no shame whatsoever to do this with us sitting right there. People today, absolutly no respect. Grunt.

Anyway, we really enjoyed having Doug & Nannie in and Friday I made my friend Donna Knappe's amazing Spicy chicken penne for supper. Yumm, yum. The Billington clan came over to decorate for the big party and we had yummy din din. Thanks Donna for the dish it is delicish!

And Saturday morning dawns. We were ready for a party. Savanna was such a doll. I can't wait to get the pictures back. She certainly got a good grasp on opening gifts and she had a butt load! So many gifts for someone so little! The house was full of celebrants, somewhere around 20 I think, what a party! it was a full day. Savanna had a blast, I think, and got such lovely things too. I love baby clothes-they're so great and tiny!

Sunday was a full day of church. In the evening desperation called and I played piano in the band for the Street Invaders finale. How awesome an evening to hear how teens were challenged by God's word and the importance of sharing the hope Jesus offers. They all seemed to be assured in their own worth in Christ too, which is great. We will have to continue to pray that now that they head back to their homes, the truths they learned will remain a changing and challenging factor in their day to day lives.

Dawn Monday morning. Bright and early Chad & I arrived at the church to meet up with Joel & Anne Calabrese. Their flight back to Colorodo Springs flew out of Vermont so we had agreed to drive them down and bring their van back. We had a really great drive of laughs and great conversation, and of course a few naps along the way. It's amazing how much more comfortable driving for long distances can be in a vehicle built with some comfort! :)

We saw wild turkeys! just walking along the highway. I've never seen a wild turkey before, it was kind of neat, although they looked pretty skinny for dinner. Do people hunt WILD turkeys anymore? The neatest little town called Sharon, Vermont, captivated my attention along the road. Just a few houses, a tiny town, nestled in among the moutains, those rolling moutains, in a tiny valley. I'd never been to Vermont before, the mountains are stunning, in a different way then British Colombia. The moutains of Vermont roll at different depths and you can see many of them in, kind of like a pop up, 3-D book, all at the same time.

We stopped for the night in Shelburn, near the Burlington airport and went out to a lovely restaurant called the Tuscan Kitchen, with dangerous garlic....ah the danger of garlic.....ah the delights of garlic.....

We dropped the Calabreses off at the airport and hit the road yesturday morning stopping off in Kittery for lunch. Ahhh Kittery, an amazing experience. Unfortunatly, or perhaps fortunatly for our bank account, we didn't have much time in Kittery, but we did stop off at Carters, a favorite of mine. They have the most adorable baby clothes. We got a totally adorable outfit for each of our neices for Thanksgiving, I'll definilty have to get a picture some how and post it around the holiday.

Anyway, that's the catch up on everything, I must go and do someone productive today!

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