Honeymoon: The Hunt for Mr. PotatoHead
Did you know that Rhode Island is the home of Mr. Potatohead? Chad & I found out when we were on our honeymoon, so we made it our goal to find as many as we possible could while we were there. Tonight, I finally scanned our honeymoon pics, so take a look at these fabo of Mr. Potatoheads! The one to the left is the Original Mr. Potatohead in a children's park named after a composer or something...John Williams Park or something. The one below here is from the Italian District in Providence Rhode Island, he was pretty beat up with vandilism. Below
him you'll see Mr. Potatohead from Galilee RI, he was really well kept!
You should have seen the looks from people as we ran around getting our pics with Mr. Potatohead! It was so fun and cheap activity! We're weird. Then there is our beach baby Mr.Potatohead. He was in the worst condition and on someone's lawn, so here I am trying to get my pic with him before the people come out of their house and we're caught, Chad's sitting in the car taking the pic, car running, he!
he! Here he is poor baby. Those were the only ones we found, we were disappointed and kept our eyes pealed. Maybe someday we'll go back and find some more. Who knows!
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