I am so excited! Tonight one of my favorite t.v. show's premieres, "The Amazing Race". I love it for a variety of reasons. Primarily the thought of jumping in a plane and travelling the world is so exciting! As a little girl I have always dreamed of traveling the world over, visiting differnent countries and experiencing a variety of cultures! As a teenager I was determined to find a way to live one year in an array of large world cities and smaller exotic communities all over the world. Now, an old married woman, this seems a little more difficult but I still dream of world travel. I mean 24 hours in a country is hardly equivilent to a year long immersion but what an awesome start, and really, if you won you could revisit some of the more interesting spots.
The second thing that I find so intriging about this show is less the competition and more about group dynamics. I love watching personalities flare and couples communicate in high intensitiy situations. I must admit this doesnt mean I like watching those afternoon talk shows where groups are set against each other in verbal and physical debate, but instead this show exemplifies inerent personality traits at their finist.
I particularly enjoy watching married couples as they play the game together and attempt to work together. This probably has something to do with my new married status. I must a say I wonder how Chad & I would make out on this show. If nothing else we would be hilarious to watch. Do you suppose a Pastor and his wife would make good t.v. I would bet money on it if I were a betting gal, which I ain't. Not that we ever disagree or banter back and forth or anything, oh no! It would be funny. Chad's World travelling expereince coupled with my street smarts, we could be contenders!
Thinking about argument and discussion as personality traits flare, maybe instead of premarital counselling engaged couples should look into some sort of Amazing Race equivilent. I mean, really, what a better way to get your feet in the water (or mud) and identify some areas worthy of "discussion". I'll have to mention this to Chad and see if he wants to work it into his premarital counselling. Something tells me he'd be game!
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