Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tickets purchased

Yesterday our tickets were purchased for our return flight to Haiti, Feb 22nd. I have mixed feelings.

There is a part of me that is excited to return, this time to see the Area Development Project we have worked with all year, to meet the people-finally!-be challenged and changed, another part of me is anxious about leaving my family. Last year it was hard, this year I can't even imagine how I will manage, but by God's strength. Last year I came so close to not returning home to my husband, my precious baby girls, my family and friends... Obviously the likelyhood of something happening again is practically impossible, but the odds were not with it last year either. I trust that God is in this, directing our every step, even when I can't understand, but it is still difficult.

We returned home last year, needing to process and work through the trauma of natural disaster, devesatation and heartbreak, elements of the trip we couldn't have possible imagined. As we prepare for the reality a world away from our understanding, I wonder how I will be changed when I return home this year.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Nearly one year ago, she sat in the parking lot against the fallen rubble of the outer wall of the hotel, holding an infant in her arms. His head was wrapped in ripped bed linens, soaked with his young blood, he lay quietly after hours of painful crying.

She was beautiful. She was young. She looked strong. Even in the dusk of the early evening I could SEE her. Her imploring eyes followed me as I hurried to the caravan that was to evacuate Me to safety. I looked away.

It was unfair, it was impossible. Help had come for me. I must leave now, I must return to my family; my husband, my own baby girls. I had to look away.

But tonight, I imagine a different picture...
She IS beautiful. She is young. She is strong and determined. I can SEE her. She sits against the outer wall of her new home, holding a toddler in her arms. he snuggles in to her chest, his brown curly hair is damp from playing in the heat of the day, a content smile stretches across his gorgeous face. She watches, and she listens....

Imagine the sound of children playing in a child friendly space, they are laughing, singing and dancing, it has replaced the crying, the wailing, the despair.
Imagine the father standing tall with the pride and exhaustion from a day of hard labour in the fields, he is providing food for his children, he no longer feels helpless.
Imagine the mother reaching over the window to hang curtains in her first home, security and stability replace fear and danger.
Imagine a crowd of labourers building the school that will teach their children and give them a future, rather than digging out the dead bodies of loved ones from the rubble that represented their lives.
Imagine the child whose belly is full and he is therefore able to imagine his own world of possibilities, a future, hope.
Imagine a community filled with hope, the belief in a better tomorrow, the desire, the skills, the resources to make it so.
I can imagine.

Tonight I don't want to look away, I want to look ahead.
Can YOU imagine what this community would look like, can you imagine what the world COULD look like, if we all did our part? What IF one community helped transform another? What IF all over the world communities, Fredericton, Moncton, St. John, Regina, Calgary, Victoria, chose struggling communities and helped raise them up to self sufficiency?

You can imagine. Now, what will you do?