I'm a stinker on halloween. No, I'm not at the church for our big Kids party, no I'm not walking kids street to street as they collect their goodies, no I'm not at some great Halloween party with friends, no I'm not handing out treats to cutsie kids in costume. I'm home, alone, with the blinds closed and most of the lights out so kids won't have their hopes dashed on my doorstep--when there is no candy. Just a crankbox in her pj's laying on the couch.
So what happened you ask? I got sick. I haven't been feeling well for days, but it got me in my sleep last night. So in angony, I've been lying on the couch today, dozzing off and on. I do think I'm going to bother to have a long Halloween bath in a minute. But it's a pitiful picture. And I can't even be festive and hand out candy.
You see we don't bother decorating here at the house, or buying candy to hand out to the kids because we're both usually involved in the big Kids Party we have at the church every Halloween. This is a great time for the kids where they all arrived dressed up for tons of games and candy, cake walks, a bouncing house, a Walk of Faith where people are dressed up telling Bible Stories and giving out more candy. There is always a cotton candy machine and a popcorn machine....it's a blast for the kids and we all get involved.
So this year, as I'm not feeling well enough to go into the church, nor am I probably well enough to get up to the door and hand out candy every time the doorbell rings. I sit, well lay actually, in darkness. This allows for a bit of contemplation on Halloween itself. Wikipedia says:
Halloween is a tradition celebrated on the night of October 31, most notably by children dressing in costumes and going door-to-door collecting sweets, fruit, and other treats. It is celebrated in parts of the Western world, most commonly in the United States, Canada, the UK, Ireland, Puerto Rico, and with increasing popularity in Australia, New Zealand, as well as the Philippines. In recent years, Halloween is also celebrated in parts of Western Europe, such as Belgium and France.
Halloween originated as a Pagan festival (those who worship something other than the Christian God)among the Celts of Ireland and Great Britain with Irish, Scots, Welsh and other immigrants transporting versions of the tradition to North America in the 19th century. Most other Western countries have embraced Halloween as a part of American pop culture in the late 20th century.
The term Halloween, shortened from All-hallow-evening, as it is the evening before "All Hallows' Day"[1] (also known as "All Saints' Day"). A festival of celebration of all the Saints and martyrs in the Christian tradition.
Many European cultural traditions hold that Halloween is one of the liminal times of the year when spirits can make contact with the physical world and when magic is most potent.
So all of that to say, we've got an issue. Or, I do, as a Christian. Do I make a big deal of the fact that Halloween originated as a night of worship to other god's, not the One and true God of the Bible? Do I make a big deal that "some" present day practicing witches (Wicca etc.) still utilize Halloween as a festival of evil spirits, a night when they have greater access to evil spirits?
Or do I realize that in America, largely at least, this has turned into a popculture evening of fun for kids where they get to imagine and dress up and eat tons of candy, where they get to "spook" themselves out with silly stories, and movies, and Disney's randition of The Headless Horseman (to the horror of true Satanists and witches who find Halloween a mockery of their true beliefs)?
Do I join with Popes Gregory 3rd and 4th who attempted to turn the pagan festival into a religious holiday celebrating the DEAD Saints and martyrs (do you want me to start in on that one!) and then was really disappointed when it didn't work out for them? Do I call it evil, and ban it all. Or do I be a more liberal Christian, allow SOME of the celebration originated by witches and Satanists (or simply people without God) believing it in essence is not a Satanist revival in North America? Or do I simply take it as it is and have fun with it like the rest of the population with little knowledge of historical origins, or what the word PAGAN really means?
Traditionally? I have loved it all, having fun with the rest of the general ignorant population. My cutsie little sister being a witch with a pointed hat and orange hair made of crinkly yarn every year (and yes she is a beautiful, well adjusted, loving mother now), my other sister deciding last minute to be a ghost (last time I checked she wasn't praying to evil spirits either), me becoming Smurfette, or Punky Brewster (now that's probably the bigger fear). Collecting tons of treats, piling them up on the livingroom floor and sorting them according to how good the treat was. Then getting more excited to watch our Dad and his friend dress up and go play tricks on family friends. Saving discussions of Satanism and witches, and evil spirits for another time when the world I live in isn't making a mockery of Halloween for me.
In the Future? I suppose we'll see.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
What do you think? Evil? Pure fun? What about historic roots? What about Modern implications?
Wish you could see the awesome cake I made for tomorrow night's Fall Fun Night for the kids at church. I was trying to decide how to decorate it, what shape, animal or whatever my cake should be for the cake walk, when suddenly it hit me, just make a Candy Castle! Wow it is something else. I made it with my cathedral bundt pan and a tin can. I put the tall cake from the tin can, like a tower in the center of my bundt cake then covered it all in French Vanilla Icing. From there I put rows of coloured sour hard candies around the circumfrances of each cake. Big Gum drops on every peek. Big Gum balls around an icy square topped with a Hershey Kiss on top of the tower. Red licorice nib windows, and sprinkles all over. Pretty cool if you ask me!
Wish you could see the awesome cake I made for tomorrow night's Fall Fun Night for the kids at church. I was trying to decide how to decorate it, what shape, animal or whatever my cake should be for the cake walk, when suddenly it hit me, just make a Candy Castle! Wow it is something else. I made it with my cathedral bundt pan and a tin can. I put the tall cake from the tin can, like a tower in the center of my bundt cake then covered it all in French Vanilla Icing. From there I put rows of coloured sour hard candies around the circumfrances of each cake. Big Gum drops on every peek. Big Gum balls around an icy square topped with a Hershey Kiss on top of the tower. Red licorice nib windows, and sprinkles all over. Pretty cool if you ask me!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Have you ever questioned all that you're about? I mean really seriously questioned it. How is it that I could think, from the time I was a little girl, that I was born to teach, and yet the journey there has been so difficult? Am I really off the mark?
I wasn't positive I had that job yesturday, but I was feeling really good about it. I thought I presented myself well, I was pleased with my conduct and responses. I felt that if I didn't get the job I wouldn't feel like I was a real looser, that I had screwed up seriously in the interview, and I don't feel like a major looser. Honestly that is a really good thing, but I am really disappointed. They called this morning and told me that I had a very strong interview but that the job had gone to someone else. They did say other competitions were coming up soon and to apply, yet I'm left with this feeling....not of being a looser, but seriously questioning this teaching thing. How far off the mark am I?
I have another interview in the morning for district 17, we'll see. But honestly, how will I do in an interview if I'm questioning things myself? I need a God moment of clarity.
I wasn't positive I had that job yesturday, but I was feeling really good about it. I thought I presented myself well, I was pleased with my conduct and responses. I felt that if I didn't get the job I wouldn't feel like I was a real looser, that I had screwed up seriously in the interview, and I don't feel like a major looser. Honestly that is a really good thing, but I am really disappointed. They called this morning and told me that I had a very strong interview but that the job had gone to someone else. They did say other competitions were coming up soon and to apply, yet I'm left with this feeling....not of being a looser, but seriously questioning this teaching thing. How far off the mark am I?
I have another interview in the morning for district 17, we'll see. But honestly, how will I do in an interview if I'm questioning things myself? I need a God moment of clarity.
Monday, October 23, 2006
The Visit
Mom & Dad came up to visit this past weekend. It was great. They arrived around 6pm Friday and we visited for a minute before heading off to the good Ol' Diplomat for supper. We hadn't had the presence of mind to call ahead and book reservations so we walked over to the Delta gift shop and checked out some lovely things. Ah to be able to charge $4.50 for a chocolate. That your clothing would cost more than $5.00 on sale at Suzy Sheir. The finer things, are nice, and capture my attention, but I don't leave feeling empty-- thanks goodness! I wonder how many people who can afford those things leave feeling empty with their hands full?
We ate way way too much-- and I wonder why I have weight issues! Anyway the conversation was great. It's been a long time since we've just sat down with my parents and talked when it wasn't about weddings, baby's accidents etc. It was so nice.
We came home and sat around for a bit, groaning about how much we ate and Mom helped me put the finishing touches on my poncho. And then I started getting ready for my interview and getting nervous so Chad suggested we'd be better off if we went to bed. I agreed and we all got in a great sleep.
Next morning I got my sandwiches together for the Baby shower and then we headed off with Mom & Dad and their friends to show off Freddy's best Downtown Market. Everyone enjoyed the experience despite the very cold and windy weather.
Chad & I split off from them and headed up to the church to prepare for the most fun baby shower. I always get a bit nervous that people won't show or there will be no food. But it was great! People showed up, there was more than enough food and on top of it all--get this--people really honestly had fun! Bonus :)
Things wrapped up really quickly and we headed home for a nap and an evening sitting around watching me put together my stuff for my interview (not that I'm anal retentive at all). Mom & Dad dropped by to say goodbye and head home. A short visit, but a nice one.
Then there was Sunday, full and exciting as usual. but that is another post.
We ate way way too much-- and I wonder why I have weight issues! Anyway the conversation was great. It's been a long time since we've just sat down with my parents and talked when it wasn't about weddings, baby's accidents etc. It was so nice.
We came home and sat around for a bit, groaning about how much we ate and Mom helped me put the finishing touches on my poncho. And then I started getting ready for my interview and getting nervous so Chad suggested we'd be better off if we went to bed. I agreed and we all got in a great sleep.
Next morning I got my sandwiches together for the Baby shower and then we headed off with Mom & Dad and their friends to show off Freddy's best Downtown Market. Everyone enjoyed the experience despite the very cold and windy weather.
Chad & I split off from them and headed up to the church to prepare for the most fun baby shower. I always get a bit nervous that people won't show or there will be no food. But it was great! People showed up, there was more than enough food and on top of it all--get this--people really honestly had fun! Bonus :)
Things wrapped up really quickly and we headed home for a nap and an evening sitting around watching me put together my stuff for my interview (not that I'm anal retentive at all). Mom & Dad dropped by to say goodbye and head home. A short visit, but a nice one.
Then there was Sunday, full and exciting as usual. but that is another post.
The Interview
Well, today I had an interview. For a job I'd really love to have even. So now I'm in limbo, the waiting period. I sound Catholic. That place between Purgatory (not getting the job) and Paradise (having my own classroom, making a difference, financial help). I should know by tomorrow night at the latest, so that should help I would think, at least there isn't some long drawn out wait.
I think I did really well in the interview. I was nervous walking into a room with four interviewers sitting at a long wooden table, with me placed at the head. I started sweating from the start, and attempting to take those really deep calming breaths, as I spoke. I certainly never got control of my breathing, but I think I presented myself well, regardless. I really feel like if I don't get this job, it wasn't my fault, you know, it wasn't that I screwed up in the interview. Which should help with the looser-complex if I don't get the job. :)
Tonight while sitting at home waiting for a potential call I got another from Oromocto school district, and I have a job interview with them Wednesday morning, so I've got another chance at a job. We'll see.
I think I did really well in the interview. I was nervous walking into a room with four interviewers sitting at a long wooden table, with me placed at the head. I started sweating from the start, and attempting to take those really deep calming breaths, as I spoke. I certainly never got control of my breathing, but I think I presented myself well, regardless. I really feel like if I don't get this job, it wasn't my fault, you know, it wasn't that I screwed up in the interview. Which should help with the looser-complex if I don't get the job. :)
Tonight while sitting at home waiting for a potential call I got another from Oromocto school district, and I have a job interview with them Wednesday morning, so I've got another chance at a job. We'll see.
a long afternoon

Ah yes, and the old familiars, that would be us!

Goin to the chapel and we're gonna get married..
October Fun!

Obviously she has it a little backwards here with the stripped pants on her head, what a card!

But like Mother like daugther I guess.
Here she is, the little doll, in her turkey suit.

Thursday, October 19, 2006
Thanksgiving Adventure
Every Thanksgiving since the dawn of time, our family has had our turkey dinner, cleaned up and then gone for a long drive out into the countryside. As kids we would stop along the creek and stretch our legs and play on the rocks. Year after year we would try to leave something different, pile up a bunch of rocks in the creek, carve our names in a tree, to leave a reminder we were there, and then next year we would look for it, but never find it. 11 years ago I had the bright idea of hiding a bottle somewhere. We put a note inside talking about our tradition and what had happend that year in our lives. Year after year Mom & Dad have returned, with as many of us as were able, to find the bottle and add that years update.
Here Kaitlyn, Grampy and Great Grampy stop for a rest before we head out on our adventure to find out bottle and see if it has survived another year.
I love this picture of Dad & Kaitlyn. It is so nice.
As part of the tradition, we all gather before we go down to the river and read the years updates. Because every year we wonder whether the bottle will survive another Mom comes prepared with another copy of all that we have, and another bottle to replace it if it is broken. Here we are reading the old, and creating the new before we go to our secret spot. It is Nanny & Grampy's first year joining us and we were all thrilled to have them. The rule is you have to be born or married into the family to join this tradition-- exclusivly Carson, no boyfriends, friends etc. They can join us for dinner but they have to stay up at the house while we go on the Thanksgiving Adventure. But since Nanny & Grampy started us out by giving birth to Mom ;) we thought it appropriate they come along. They were excited as well!
Got to love this picture of Angela and Kaitlyn. They are such a cute couple the two of them. Pees in a pod!
I insisted we get our family picture taken down by the river. The day was so beautiful and the colours gorgeous. Unfortunatly for this picture, the sun was also very bright, casting shadows and shining into our squinting eyes. Oh well, it's still a nice picture.
Here Kaitlyn, Grampy and Great Grampy stop for a rest before we head out on our adventure to find out bottle and see if it has survived another year.
I love this picture of Dad & Kaitlyn. It is so nice.
As part of the tradition, we all gather before we go down to the river and read the years updates. Because every year we wonder whether the bottle will survive another Mom comes prepared with another copy of all that we have, and another bottle to replace it if it is broken. Here we are reading the old, and creating the new before we go to our secret spot. It is Nanny & Grampy's first year joining us and we were all thrilled to have them. The rule is you have to be born or married into the family to join this tradition-- exclusivly Carson, no boyfriends, friends etc. They can join us for dinner but they have to stay up at the house while we go on the Thanksgiving Adventure. But since Nanny & Grampy started us out by giving birth to Mom ;) we thought it appropriate they come along. They were excited as well!
Got to love this picture of Angela and Kaitlyn. They are such a cute couple the two of them. Pees in a pod!
I insisted we get our family picture taken down by the river. The day was so beautiful and the colours gorgeous. Unfortunatly for this picture, the sun was also very bright, casting shadows and shining into our squinting eyes. Oh well, it's still a nice picture.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
wow I'm tired
What a busy couple of days, well ok, weeks, but I've said that before. Wow I'm tired. And at 10:37pm after a busy day of work and then making the Marriage Course happen tonight, I should be headed to bed, but instead I find myself, blogging. Ah the blogger. I've got a whole butt load of pictures to post, but I think I will save that for tomorrow, and for tonight I will just ramble aimlessly as is my fashion.
I applied for a teaching position today. If ever thus far I have had the opportunity to get one, this is the best chance I've had so far- not that I've had tons of opportunities for positions thus far. I'm doing my best to pray God's will, that is ultimatly what I want, but sometimes it's hard for me to be hands off the steering wheel.
Mom & Dad are coming up for a visit this weekend! I'm really excited. I've been after them for ever to come visit me for a weekend. They've been up to visit a couple of times for a couple of hours but it will be the first time they come to stay. Of course things are really busy at home for them, with the baby, work and stuff, so it is an extra special treat for me...and now I need to be deligant about cleaning up the house. Exciting too--Chad will agree to putting heat on in the house again if we've got company :)
Well I should hit the sac. Lots to do tomorrow. At this point I'm not booked to supply, but one never knows what 6:15 in the morning could bring.
I applied for a teaching position today. If ever thus far I have had the opportunity to get one, this is the best chance I've had so far- not that I've had tons of opportunities for positions thus far. I'm doing my best to pray God's will, that is ultimatly what I want, but sometimes it's hard for me to be hands off the steering wheel.
Mom & Dad are coming up for a visit this weekend! I'm really excited. I've been after them for ever to come visit me for a weekend. They've been up to visit a couple of times for a couple of hours but it will be the first time they come to stay. Of course things are really busy at home for them, with the baby, work and stuff, so it is an extra special treat for me...and now I need to be deligant about cleaning up the house. Exciting too--Chad will agree to putting heat on in the house again if we've got company :)
Well I should hit the sac. Lots to do tomorrow. At this point I'm not booked to supply, but one never knows what 6:15 in the morning could bring.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
and it's only just begun.....and it's only just begun!
Wow, what a busy week! and it's only just begun (the business that is). I could begin by recounting all the crazy business of the last two weeks for you (vow renuals, Thanksgiving traditions, Sunday services, the Marraige Course, Supply Teaching, Chad's rediculous schedule at the church these last few weeks, but honestly I'm not sure that would accomplish anything other than get me all flustered and feeling more exhausted then I already do.
Chad & I just returned from Holten where we go monthly to pay some $$ down on our US debt Chad accrued at school in the States, and on the way there we found the sweetest little spot on the river. 1.5 acres off the old highway, right on the water. We thought it would be so beautiful to have a little cottage, a place to escape to, just 40 minutes out of the city. We could hear the waves lapping against the banks as we sipped tea on the little deck of our cottage, watching the sunset, the kids playing and laughing in the little valley dip below. Oh it was beautiful. I had finely tunned chimes blowing in the breeze, the windows were open, air blowing through the curtains. There was a swing, hanging from the great maple. Oh it was beautiful. Kayak's and canoes were stored in a little barn near the water's edge. I spent my days currled up on the deck in my pj's with a PD James novel. Oh it was beautiful.
So we called them up. Chad figured since the lot had no sceptic, and no well, and it was 40 minutes out of town, it would run around $15,000, I figured $25,000, so we called. Can you guess? Oh we're young, naive and broke! $100,000. For a piece of land, 40 minutes out of town on a deadbeat street, but with a view $100,000. that view is worth $90,000!! No wonder Chad & I live in a mini home, surrounded by mini homes, and it looks like we just might just need to stay there. I guess we could put bunkbeds in our shed for the kids. Ah, but we're happy! LOL!
Chad & I just returned from Holten where we go monthly to pay some $$ down on our US debt Chad accrued at school in the States, and on the way there we found the sweetest little spot on the river. 1.5 acres off the old highway, right on the water. We thought it would be so beautiful to have a little cottage, a place to escape to, just 40 minutes out of the city. We could hear the waves lapping against the banks as we sipped tea on the little deck of our cottage, watching the sunset, the kids playing and laughing in the little valley dip below. Oh it was beautiful. I had finely tunned chimes blowing in the breeze, the windows were open, air blowing through the curtains. There was a swing, hanging from the great maple. Oh it was beautiful. Kayak's and canoes were stored in a little barn near the water's edge. I spent my days currled up on the deck in my pj's with a PD James novel. Oh it was beautiful.
So we called them up. Chad figured since the lot had no sceptic, and no well, and it was 40 minutes out of town, it would run around $15,000, I figured $25,000, so we called. Can you guess? Oh we're young, naive and broke! $100,000. For a piece of land, 40 minutes out of town on a deadbeat street, but with a view $100,000. that view is worth $90,000!! No wonder Chad & I live in a mini home, surrounded by mini homes, and it looks like we just might just need to stay there. I guess we could put bunkbeds in our shed for the kids. Ah, but we're happy! LOL!
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Email Me Please
I tend to include personal photo's and information about my family and friends on my blog, and lately I've been reevaluating how "safe" that is. I'm not overly concerned about myself at all, but at the same time I realize the importance of being wise. So here's my proposition, if you read and enjoy my blog and would like to continue to see it, email me at heidi.billington@gmail.com and I will add your name & email (if I deem you safe) to the list of private emails who can access my blog.
Otherwise you will be able to check out more general musings from me at http://InkSpurts.blogspot.com
Otherwise you will be able to check out more general musings from me at http://InkSpurts.blogspot.com
Thursday, October 05, 2006
unfortunate to think I've been blogging about better days, the marriage course, thunder storms, hurrican Isaac, all for my own pleasure I guess. I must be just getting "emotionally healthy" since it seems I've been unable to post my fabulous deep thoughts.
Well tomorrow night (Friday) we have Karen & Don Lamey's vow renual, then we're driving to Elgin for Thanksgiving Tradition with my family, then back to town for Sunday services, and Chad & I have a bit of a Thanksgiving Day adventure of our own for Monday, so i should have lots of stories (assuming blogger will let me post) over the weekend!
Well tomorrow night (Friday) we have Karen & Don Lamey's vow renual, then we're driving to Elgin for Thanksgiving Tradition with my family, then back to town for Sunday services, and Chad & I have a bit of a Thanksgiving Day adventure of our own for Monday, so i should have lots of stories (assuming blogger will let me post) over the weekend!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Happy October 1!
Well, it's October. Hard to believe in someways. Wow I feel better though! What a crazy few months I had. Change. I always thought I liked change, but maybe it's just busy change and various opportunities that I like so much... Not sure.
I have been working again. Getting several days of supply work each week. I would like more for sure, but I'm not sure how much I can expect this early in the school year. Teachers are still doing their darndist to stay in class at this point in the year. I wish I had some talent or ability, some way to still be around when Chad's church schedule allows him to be home, but helps me generate a bit of extra income too.... hum, the brains'a burnin for ideas....
Seems things have been really busy lately. Chad & I are really excited to start hosting Smythe Street Cathdral's first ever Marriage Course! At this point we have 27 couples signed up to take the course. Content is intense, but I'm really excited about the wide variety of couples' experiences those registered represent. We have everything from couples married just around a year like Chad and myself, to couples married 50+ years! I am so interested to hear their evaluations when the course finishes up!
I hear rumor of Hurricane Isaac touching down in the Maritimes tomorrow. Should be interesting. Although I pray no harm come to anyone, at the same time I am excited to see Nature's outburst! I guess it is the same fascination I have for thunder and lightning. When many are cowering under beds and away from windows, unplugging appliances, I am usually nosed pressed to the window pane, or sky gazing from the deck, 1 1000, 2 1000, 3 1000, waiting for that snap of illumination, or crack resonating through your body down to your toes. Fascinating.
I have been working again. Getting several days of supply work each week. I would like more for sure, but I'm not sure how much I can expect this early in the school year. Teachers are still doing their darndist to stay in class at this point in the year. I wish I had some talent or ability, some way to still be around when Chad's church schedule allows him to be home, but helps me generate a bit of extra income too.... hum, the brains'a burnin for ideas....
Seems things have been really busy lately. Chad & I are really excited to start hosting Smythe Street Cathdral's first ever Marriage Course! At this point we have 27 couples signed up to take the course. Content is intense, but I'm really excited about the wide variety of couples' experiences those registered represent. We have everything from couples married just around a year like Chad and myself, to couples married 50+ years! I am so interested to hear their evaluations when the course finishes up!
I hear rumor of Hurricane Isaac touching down in the Maritimes tomorrow. Should be interesting. Although I pray no harm come to anyone, at the same time I am excited to see Nature's outburst! I guess it is the same fascination I have for thunder and lightning. When many are cowering under beds and away from windows, unplugging appliances, I am usually nosed pressed to the window pane, or sky gazing from the deck, 1 1000, 2 1000, 3 1000, waiting for that snap of illumination, or crack resonating through your body down to your toes. Fascinating.
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