Well, it's been ages since I've posted, mostly because I've been waiting on some gorgeous, or at least funny pics from the holidays to post along with my message. For example, see the following
oh so cool pics of Chad & I out hunting down our first ever Christmas Tree. Chad couldn't have been thinking right when he overheard about a U-pick for Christmas Trees and decided to mention it to me. The romantic that I am was thrilled at the idea and "got it set in my head". Those of you who know me, this can be a very dangerous thing. Stubborn mule, might be a good way to describe some of my attritbutes at times. Anyway, to make a long story short, we intended on getting our tree on two seperate occasions but things continued to get crazy busy as the season neared it's peak and it became even more difficult. Chad mentioned a couple of times that we might want to consider getting our tree at the little spot just down the road from our house. NOT, a U-pick, I quickly dismissed the idea. Well the day arrived, we were going to get OUR first ever Christmas tree as a married couple at a U-pick Chad had heard of closer to home and then head out to Chad's Grammie's to help decorate her house for Christmas. When we arrived at the U-pick, the
sign said, ever so clearly "Open Saturday's and Sunday's". that's right! who goes to get their Christmas tree on a Monday night?!!
Disappointed and running out of time Chad suggests again "Maybe we could get one at the spot on the road by our place."
"Sure, whatever," I reply, "lets just get the stupid tree."
I'm afraid my attitude probably isn't coming across just right but I will admit it, I was sulking, badly. My good husband turns the car around and heads out of town to the next U-pick he's aware of, a good 45 minutes from our house. We arrive in the dark but the good natured man showed us the trees and gave us a massive stick to measure with. We had a ball trying to pick the perfect tree and I must admit I do believe we did. Here is a pic of Chad and the saw preparing to cut down our tree. Isn't he cute!