Hard to believe it is true, but Chad & I will have been married 5 months December 23rd! Wow how fast the time goes. Although marriage certainly has some adjustment I must say I highly recommend it, when you've chosen well. I believe I have. Here we were on the big day!

Yesturday, December 9th, I finished my student-teacher internship. There was much laughter and tears as my class spoiled me rotten on my last day. They had been working for weeks during their PRA to create a DVD for me of teaching moments, goofing around and being silly and endearing and funny comments on my teaching abilities. Strung together with tender moments with students and the theme song "I will remember You" by Sarah Mclaughling, you're starting to get a picture as to why there were tears. They also planned a suprise pizza, cake and movie party with a giant card with their pictures on it where they all signed it, a homemade pencil case, gingerbread man soap, a gift certificate for the blue door, balloons, it was a full day!
Yes, it's true! I've finished school! Finally! What a long road it has been! It is hard to believe that now I am done, Done. Done something I have strived for, fought for, dreamed of, struggled through, and now...I am done. As I packed up all of my belonings long after the bell had run yesturday I stopped to think about this stop in the journey of my life. Chad had asked me the other night how I was feeling and I said "As if I'm about to step off a precipice, nearly certain that something great, wonderful and exciting is going to catch me and carry me off soaring to something even better; yet the possibility remains that I could crash on the rocks beneath me.

That's all for now.
After creating a number of Novel blogs for my grade eight novel study I thought it would be fun to start one of my own.